Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: dawn of dc, dc comics, green lantern
A Brand New Oath for A Brand New Green Lantern #1 (Spoilers)
This week sees the publication of Green Lantern #1, a new launch book for Dawn of DC, returning with Hal Jordan and John Stewart
This week sees the publication of Green Lantern #1, a new launch book for Dawn of DC, returning with Hal Jordan and John Stewart as the leads. But it looks like another may be joining them. Here is the solicitation;
(W) Jeremy Adams, Phillip Kennedy Johnson (A) Xermanico, Montos (CA) Xermanico
Spinning out of the events of Dark Crisis, the Guardians of Oa at the heart of the Green Lantern Corps have quarantined Sector 2814, home of the planet Earth—and its champion along with it! A heartbreaking defeat has sent Hal reeling, returning home to rediscover his roots…and find the man responsible for ruining his life: Sinestro. From the visionary team of Jeremy Adams and Xermanico (who brought you the epic Flashpoint Beyond) comes a tale of redemption, loss, and finding out that maybe…just maybe…you can go home again. At least if you're willing to hot-wire a power ring to do it. Also featuring part one of John Stewart: War Journal from writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson and artist Montos! Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 05/09/2023
It looks like Guy Gardner will be joining them as well, but not in any of his previous roles, but as a Dark Lantern… with a brand new oath. Or at least part of him does… with new scansion as well.
I am the Lantern in the dark,
The torch that batters back the night
Let evil powers in the light
Of all who wear the Lantern's mark.
Green Lantern, Alan Scott. All-American Comics #16, 1940
And I shall shed my light over dark evil,
For the dark things cannot stand the light.
The light of…the Green Lantern!
Green Lantern, Alan Scott. Green Lantern #9, 1946
In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!
Green Lantern, Medphyll. Swamp Thing #61, 1987
In forest dark or glade beferned,
No blade of grass shall go unturned!
Let those who have the daylight spurned
Tread not where this green lamp has burned!
F-Sharp Bell, Rot Lop Fan, Tales Of The Green Lantern Corps Annual #3, 1987
In loudest din or hush profound,
My ears catch evil's slightest sound.
Let those who toll out evil's knell,
Beware my power, the F-Sharp Bell!
Green Lantern Jack T. Chance, Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #1 1992
You who are wicked, evil and mean,
I'm the nastiest creep you've ever seen!
Come one, come all, put up a fight!
I'll pound your butts with Green Lantern's light!
Green Lantern Barin, Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #7, 1994
In this place of black and grey and dark,
The Green Lantern shall be my light, my hope, my strength.
All that is good is all I defend.
I shall not falter.
Green Lantern Kho Kharhi, Wonder Woman #18, 1994
Against dishonor and traitor's flight,
I stand beside my clan to fight.
With dying breath I claw and bite,
Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!
Daxamite Lantern Sodam Yat
In brightest day, through blackest night,
No other Corps shall spread its light.
Let those who try to stop what's right
Burn like my power, Green Lantern's light!
Alpha Lanterns Green Lantern #27, 2008
In days of peace, in nights of war,
Obey the Laws forever more!
Misconduct must be answered for,
Swear us the chosen: the Alpha Corps!
Green Lanterns of Earth-13, Infinite Crisis video game:
In forests deep where darkness dwells,
In dungeons dank beneath ancient fells,
Let those who seek to rule the night
Beware my power, the Emerald Light!
Magic Lantern of Earth-47, The Green Lantern #11
When it's groovy, when it's grim,
We hum the Living Guru's hymn.
When other Lanterns lose their sh!t,
We keep the Magic Lantern lit!
Dawnbreaker, Dark Nights: Metal
With darkness black, I choke the light!
No brightest day escapes my sight!
I turn the dawn to midnight!
Beware my power—Dawnbreaker's might!
Sinestro Corps
In blackest day, in brightest night,
Beware your fears made into light.
Let those who try to stop what's right,
Burn like my power, Sinestro's might!
Red Lantern Corps:
With blood and rage of crimson red,
Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead,
Together with our hellish hate,
We'll burn you all, that is your fate!
Blue Lantern Corps:
In fearful day, in raging night,
With strong hearts full, our souls ignite.
When all seems lost in the War of Light,
Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!
Star Sapphire Corps:
For hearts long lost and full of fright,
For those alone in blackest night,
Accept our ring and join our fight,
Love conquers all with violet light!
Indigo Tribe:
To lorek san, bor nakka mur
Natromo faan tornek wot ur
Ter Lantern ker lo Abin Sur
Taan lek lek nok—Formorrow Sur!
Orange Lanterns, Green Lantern #20, 2013
What's mine is mine and mine and mine and mine and mine and mine and mine! Not yours!
Black Lanterns:
The Blackest Night falls from the skies,
The darkness grows as all light dies.
We crave your hearts and your demise,
By my Black Hand, the dead shall rise!
Phantom Ring
In desperate day, in hopeless night,
The Phantom Ring is our last light.
We yearn for power, strength and might,
I seize the ring, that is my right!
Ultraviolet Corps
By shield of day, and shield of night,
We feed and grow, beyond all sight.
Your darkest self shall be our knight,
Wield the sword of unseen light!