Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Alan Moore, Bryan Talbot, clive barker, Comics, Dave Gibbons, duncan fegredo, Glenn Fabry, grant morrison, heartbreak hotel, Hunt Emerson, london, Mark Buckingham, melinda gebbie, Phil Elliott, ukcac
A Forgotton Jam By Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, Melinda Gebbie, Grant Morrison, Bryan Talbot, Clive Barker, Mark Buckingham, Glenn Fabry, Duncan Fegredo, Hunt Emerson and Phil Elliott
On his website today, Paul Slade has posted a forgotten 1988 "jam" print for the short-lived UK comics magazine Heartbreak Hotel. Contributors to the print include Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, Grant Morrison, Bryan Talbot, Clive Barker, Mark Buckingham, Glenn Fabry, Duncan Fegredo, Melinda Gebbie, Hunt Emerson and Phil Elliott. The artists' proof he's reproducing it from has been on his wall for nearly a quarter-century, but until now it's been published only in the programme for London's 1988 UKCAC convention.
Slade had a regular column in Heartbreak Hotel and used to help out with the magazine's production occasionally. Lionel Gracey-Whitman, its editor/publisher, gave his this proof as a small thank you. You can read the full story behind the print and how it was produced right here….