Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics, Justice League, Superman | Tagged: 5g, dc comics, justice alliance, The 5G Files
A New Justice Alliance For DC Comics: The 5G Files Chapter Eleven
5G did away with the Justice League. In its place would have been a Justice Alliance. More from the 5G Files on Bleeding Cool.
Okay so this is where it gets juicy. Bleeding Cool is publishing The 5G Files, looking at the aborted-but-not-quite relaunch/reboot planned for DC Comics in 2020 dubbed 5G or Fifth Generation. Planned by then-publisher Dan DiDio, it would have seen the main characters of the DC Universe, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne and more, aged up and replaced by newcomers to the roles of Superman, Batman and more, the fifth generation of DC superheroes. Welcome to The 5G Files and the Justice Alliance Vs Damian Wayne: Chapter Eleven.
Previously, we talked about the New Batman Luke Fox and the New Superman Jon Kent reluctantly teaming up to combat Damian Wayne, who had taken over his grandfather Ra's Al Ghul's organisation Leviathan. In a new event comic, World's Finest/ Justice Alliance, picking up on those Batman storylines, Jon Kent learns the importance of the Superman/Batman team. Once the new Batman and new Superman find mutual respect and understanding, they become the catalysts for the creation of a new super-team, replacing the former Justice League, which had fallen apart over Clark Kent's insistence they all give up secret identities. The new team was called The Justice Alliance. Which will include Yara Flor, Wonder Girl, Jo Mullein Green Lantern and as a new Flash, the child of Flash villain and Suicide Squad member, Captain Boomerang. Likely to be Bolt, the daughter of Australian criminals in Future State Suicide Squad playing the role of Flash. And would have been written by Tim Sheridan.
There once was another Justice Alliance, from 1999's Legends of the DC Universe: Crisis on Infinite Earths by Marv Wolfman and Paul Ryan which introduced Earth-D's Justice Alliance, with a more diverse membership, akin to what Justice Alliance of 5G would have looked like.
One of Marv Wolfman's original plans for Crisis was to create a more diverse DC Universe, introduced a Latino Wildcat and an East Asian Doctor Light., but Wolfman didn't get the chance to add more. So his 1999 revisit to Crisis was a chance to change that. The Justice Alliance included a Japanese-American Flash, a Brazilian Green Lantern, a native American Green Arrow, a mixed-race Wonder Woman, a Black Superman and Supergirl who are also married, a Batman is married with Robin as one of his children, and more alien looking Aquaman and Martian Manhunter. And the new Justice Alliance of 5G would have reflected what Marv Wolfman tried to do.
5G was scrapped of course. A future Justice League featuring Jon Kent, Jace Fox, Yara Flor, Jo Mullein, Jess Chambers and Aquawoman, was created for Future State. In the main DC continuity, the Justice League were killed off for Dark Crisis. Jon Kent attempted another Justice League which fell apart but, as of Lazarus Planet, the Justice League has still not reformed. Maybe there's still room for a Justice Alliance?
Keep checking the 5G Files tag for more… and for Lying In The Gutters fans of old, consider this story having a green traffic light- maybe a touch of amber for the Palmiotti bit.