Posted in: Boom, Comics | Tagged: boom studios, buffy, spoiler, willow
SPOILER Makes Their Big First Appearance in Buffy #14
A few weeks ago we told you about a big First Appearance coming in the pages of Buffy the Vampire Slayer #14 from Boom Studios. We'd been hearing this was the start of a big storyline that would draw a lot of interest from television fans, including potentially directly tying the Boom continuity to the television series canon.
We know that Willow has left Sunnydale in the wake of the Hellmouth crossover event between the Buffy and Angel comic book series.
But on the last page, we see a Willow emerging from a portal who doesn't quite look like the one we know from this Boom reboot.
So, who is this Willow? We have a few theories, all of which open the door to Boom's Buffy meeting another Buffy, perhaps setting up their own Into The Spider-Verse or Spider-Men event for Slayers:
- Willow from the Buffy Television series: If Boom wants to get television fans to check out their series, bringing in the "real" Willow makes a lot of sense. The Willow at the end of this issue looks older than the one in the comics and also gives us a Dark Willow vibe. Could this be her crossing over at some point in the Buffy television series continuity, thereby making the Boom comics an Ultimate universe to the TV show's main continuity? It's possible -after all, Hellmouth introduced the idea of multiple Buffy continuities.
- Willow from the Dark Horse Buffy comics: This is a very similar proposition to the above, as Dark Horse officially continued the television series in comic book form and those series are considered canon. That Willow has lived a lot more life, which might line up with the older looking character at the end of Buffy #14.
- Willow from the future of the Boom Buffy comics: While this wouldn't necessarily seem like a thing to draw in fans of the television series, it certainly would open up possibilities for a new take on Dark Willow or other classic storylines.
- Willow from a new – and important –Buffy timeline: with the successful spin-off novels and rumours of a new television series in the works, could this Willow be tied to one of them as part of a greater Disney/Fox/Boom synergy? Certainly being the first non-Marvel comics publisher with a series on D+ would lend credence to that theory…
Here's what we do know – Buffy the Vampire Slayer #14 is in comic shops today and I'd expect to hear about a sell-out sooner than later. And with Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Every Generation #1 in stores on June 3rd to provide further clues to Boom's big plans for the Scooby Gang, it seems like a very good time to be a Buffy fan. A good time for interested regular readers to maybe pick up an extra copy of each issue, before the speculators get to them first…