Posted in: Comics | Tagged: beer, space dust
Booze Geek: Space Dust
Beer: Space Dust IPA
Brewery: Elysian Brewing Company
Elysian's Space Dust IPA was recommended to me by a friend whom I had told about my beer column. "Is that geeky enough for you?" were his exact words after I told him I was interested. Needless to say, I think I made a good choice.
Space Dust produces a strong head that lasts for quite some time when poured into a glass. Even when the head has reduced, a good chunk of it remains at the top of the beer and leaves foam clinging to the sides. It is an amber colored beer with slight tones of a peach color. It does not produce a strongly visible carbonation.
Space Dust produces a scent that features traces of tropical fruit, but otherwise does not have any overpowering smells. Rather, its strength resides in its taste. This beer is delicious. It has a wonderful citrus flavor that is not too fruity like a wheat beer can be. It also has a slight bitterness to it that adds a nice touch to the sweetness. The hops are there, but not overpowering in any way, making this a very smooth IPA.
On the palate, Space Dust is very comfortable. The carbonation becomes more prevalent on tongue as it is swallowed, but nothing overbearing. It goes down very nicely. Overall, I highly recommend checking out this beer if you get the chance. It's great for drinkers who want to try an IPA but not one that is too hoppy. Further more, I think it is a perfect summer IPA.
What to Drink This To:
I would say pick out your favorite sci-fi movie, TV series, book, what have you and pop a bottle of this open. For me, I really felt like watching Dune while drinking this (and yes I know, Dune is not a great movie, but it's such a guilty pleasure for me). And if you want to work some word play into it, maybe wait until Elysium comes out in a few weeks.