Posted in: Comics, Heritage Sponsored, Vintage Paper | Tagged: bronze age, marvel, ms marvel
Carol Danvers' New Direction in Ms. Marvel #20, Up for Auction
By the time Ms. Marvel #20 hit the newsstands in late 1978, it seems likely that everyone involved with the series understood that the title was in trouble. They were certainly trying to make substantial changes to the character. Issue #19 had retold and upgraded her origin, more thoroughly explaining the Kree connections in a way that the 2019 Captain Marvel movie seems to have borrowed from. Issue #20 gave her a new costume, and issue #22 changed the course of her backstory substantially, cutting her loose from job as a contributor for the J. Jonah Jameson-run Woman magazine. In response to a letter reacting to the beginning of those changes, assistant editor Jim Salicrup noted, "The changes on Ms. M have only just begun, and, with luck, they'll make the book better and better. Reader reaction to Ms. M #'s 20 & 21 seem to bear that hope out." A key part of Ms. Marvel's new direction is available in Ms. Marvel #20 (Marvel, 1978) CGC NM/MT 9.8 White pages up for auction in the 2022 September 4-5 Sunday & Monday Comic Books Select Auction #122236 at Heritage Auctions.
Despite Jim Salicrup's optimism, these changes were seemingly not enough to save the title, and #23 would be the last issue of Carol Danvers' original series. Marvel seems to have been going through a period of downsizing at this time, with other titles including Invaders, John Carter, Kid Colt Outlaw, and Marvel Triple-Action also getting cut around this time. Despite the fact that the original series didn't last, the changes made to the character at this time would serve her well for the longer term future. An important part of the character's development is available in Ms. Marvel #20 (Marvel, 1978) CGC NM/MT 9.8 White pages up for auction in the 2022 September 4-5 Sunday & Monday Comic Books Select Auction #122236 at Heritage Auctions. If you've never bid at Heritage Auctions before, you can get further information, you can check out their FAQ on the bidding process and related matters.
#20 (Marvel, 1978) CGC NM/MT 9.8 White pages. First appearance of classic costume. Dave Cockrum cover and art. Overstreet 2022 NM- 9.2 value = $20. CGC census 8/22: 94 in 9.8, none higher.
CGC has not published grader's notes for this comic.