Posted in: Comics, Vault | Tagged: Cherry Poptart, Mojey Shot, vault comics
Cherry Poptart Returns In Vault Comics Crossover
Vault Comics has revealed that Cherry Poptart will be appearing in the new Money Shot Comics Again comic book series.
Vault Comics has revealed that Cherry Popstar, originally Cherry Poptart will be appearing in the new Money Shot Comics Again comic book series, launching in April, in her first comic book crossover appearance.
First published in 1982, and created by Larry Welz, the adult-oriented comic series Cherry Poptart changed its name to just Cherry with its third issue after threats of litigation by Kellogg's over the Pop-Tarts trademark. Welz draws the comic in a simple style reminiscent of Dan DeCarlo's Archie comics, though the content is rather different – at least, until the Riverdale TV series came along.
The comic was published for 15 issues from Last Gasp, then Kitchen Sink Press and finally self-published from Cherry Comics, the character returned in 1992 in Cherry's Jubilee, and a later comic Cherry Deluxe featured a story by Neil Gaiman, as a result of Cherry appearing in several free speech/censorship awareness campaigns. Cherry Poptart is among the largest-selling titles from the underground comix scene, but this is the first time she has appeared in someone else's comic books.
Money Shot is the sci-fi comedy about space explorers who seek out new life and new civilisations and get jiggy with them. Now the aliens have come to Earth and that will now mean an appearance by Cherry Poptart, as drawn by Ménage à 3's Gisele Lagace who has joined the series.
Cherry creator Larry Welz says "We first sent Cherry into the future over 30 years ago, and it was time to send her back out into space with a whole new group of friends who seem to share her 'interests.' I am excited to see what new trouble she can get up to in the hands of Tim Seeley, whose previous Money Shot series won me over from the first read."
Tim Seeley says "CHERRY comix were a formative force for me. They were the forbidden fruit on the top shelf of the comic store, the little piece of subversive history to be found while thumbing long boxes. Larry Welz's eternal balance of sexy and satirical helped me realize what an adult comic could be. It's with great reverence that we welcome Cherry Popstar to the pages of Money Shot for our tale of billionaire greed and tech's obsession with stealing art from humanity."
Money Shot Comes Again #1 featuring Cherry Popstar will be released in comic shops on the 26th of April and goes to FOC this weekend.
(W) Tim Seeley (A/CA) Gisele Lagace
The XXX-plorers are back on their hands and knees for the good of humanity! When the giant ass space jellyfish who run the ordered universe arrive on earth, the porn-stars-cum-science explorers must put away grudges, crushes, and side-hustles to once again take one (or two! or three!) for the team.
An epicly sexy new arc begins, which takes aim at dumb billionaires and bad optics, and guest stars a LEGENDARY underground comix heroine! NEW ARTIST Gisele Lagace puts her sexy spin on the book!In Shops: Apr 26, 2023
SRP: $4.99
(W) Tim Seeley (A/CA) Gisele Lagace
Stuck on a mining platform whizzing through space, the XXX-plorers are attacked by a whole bunch of characters we were only able to put in the book because we're calling this a "Porn Parody" and, apparently, you can do whatever the hell you want once you make it super clear (we're making it super clear) that this is parody! Meanwhile, indie comix darling Cherry Popstar has been turned into a bored billionaire's personal pet AI, and she has some ideas about how to, like, run the universe!In Shops: May 31, 2023
SRP: $4.99