Posted in: Avengers, Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: ant man, credits, quantumania, wasp
Comic Creators' Thanks In Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania Credits
Lots of comic book creators were thanked in the credits to Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania. But for what? Let's find out.
Lots of comic book creators were thanked in the credits to Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania. But for what? Bleeding Cool does our best Friday night breakdown, feel free to add any other possible credit reasons in the comments and I'll update in the morning – and credit you.
- Stan Lee for Ant-Man, The Wasp, Kang The Conqueror, MODOK, Loki, and the Multiverse as Sub-Atomica in Fantastic Four #16 (1963)
- Larry Lieber for Ant-Man and Loki
- Jack Kirby for Ant-Man, The Wasp, Kang The Conqueror, MODOK, Loki, and the Multiverse as Sub-Atomica, in Fantastic Four #16 (1963)
- Ernie Hart for The Wasp
- Larry Alexander for Captain America Annual #11 (1992) with Kang as Victor Timely, in Timely, Wisconsin.
- Brian Michael Bendis worked on Avengers #34 (2012) rescuing Janet from the Microverse
- John Buscema worked on Avengers #269 (1986), which saw Immortus rveeal that he was Kang.
- Sal Buscema for the Time Variance Authority, in Thor #372 (1986).
- John Byrne for Cassie Lang and Darren Cross in Marvel Premiere #47 (1979), Scott Lang, in Avengers #181 (1979)
- Jim Cheung for Cassie Lang in Young Avengers #6 (2016), Avengers #34 (2012) rescuing Janet from the Microverse
- Dave Cockrum worked on Giant-Size Avengers #3 that established the lineage of Kang, from Immortus.
- Oliver Coipel worked on Avengers #34 (2012) rescuing Janet from the Microverse
- Tom DeFalco for Hope Van Dyne/Pym in A-Next #7 (1999)
- Terry Dodson worked on Avengers #34 (2012) rescuing Janet from the Microverse
- Harlan Ellison worked on the Hulk #140 Microverse comics (1971)
- Steve Englehart worked on Giant-Size Avengers #3 that established the lineage of Kang, from Immortus.
- Steve Epting for the Incursions established in New Avengers #1 (2013)
- Ron Frenz for Hope Van Dyne/Pym in A-Next #7 (1999)
- Javier Garron for Ant-Man And Wasp (2018) comic with Nadia Van Dyne rescuing Hank Pym from the Microverse
- Archie Goodwin for Krylar of the Microverse, in Incredible Hulk #156 (1972)
- Mark Gruenwald for the Time Variance Authority and the look of Mobius, Citizen Kang in Fantasic Four Annual #25 (1992), Avengers Annual #21 (1922)
- Allan Heinberg for Cassie Lang in Young Avengers #6 (2016)
- Jonathan Hickman for the Council of Reed Richards and for the Incursions established in New Avengers #1 (2013)
- Geof Isherwood for Citizen Kang in Thor Annual #17 (1992)
- Bob Layton for Scott Lang, in Avengers #181 (1979)
- Mike Mayhew Avengers #34 (2012) rescuing Janet from the Microverse
- David Michelinie for Cassie Lang and Darren Cross in Marvel Premiere #47 (1979), Scott Lang, in Avengers #181 (1979)
- Miguel Munera for Incredible Hulks: Enigma Force (2010), co-creator of Jentorra.
- Tom Palmer worked on Avengers #269 (1986), which saw Immortus reveal that he was Kang.
- Brandon Peterson Avengers #34 (2012) rescuing Janet from the Microverse
- Scott Reed for Incredible Hulks: Enigma Force (2010), co-creator of Jentorra.
- Walter Simonson for the Time Variance Authority in Thor #372 (1986), Avengers #34 (2012) rescuing Janet from the Microverse
- Roger Stern worked on Avengers #269 (1986), which saw Immortus reveal that he was Kang.
- Roy Thomas worked on the Hulk #140 in the Microverse (1971) and Captain America Annual #11 (1992) with Kang as Victor Timely, in Timely, Wisconsin.
- Herb Trimpe for Krylar of the Microverse from Incredible Hulk #156 (1972), worked on the Hulk #140 (1971) Microverse comics. Citizen Kang in Fantastic Four Annual #25 (1992), Avengers Annual #21 (1922)
- Mark Waid for Ant-Man And Wasp (2018) comic with Nadia Van Dyne rescuing Hank Pym from the Microverse
Thanks for list help from Josh65 and Guy. Notably, no thanks for Al Feldstein and Joe Maneely, the creators of Jimmy Woo, or for Bill Mantlo and Michael Golden who gave us the Micronauts and expanded the Microverse. But most egregiously, no credit for Ray Cummings and Syd Shores whose original sub-atomic universe, later retrofitted as the Microverse, was created for Captain America #26 (1943).
Though as Bryan Hitch said, "The plethora of 'Thanks' many of us got on the Marvel movies certainly didn't pay any bills!"
If I was a speculator, I'd be putting money on Hulk #140, Enigma Force, and those Citizen Kang Annuals… maybe that may pay a bill or two.