Posted in: Comics | Tagged: comix experience, coronavirus comics, graphic novel, livestream, san francisco
Comix Experience Graphic Novel Club of San Francisco to Run International Livestream Events
We've mentioned the Comix Experience Graphic Novel Club of San Francisco a number of times before, an exercise started by the store's Brian Hibbs to help pay towards the city's increased minimum wage bills. Well, the threats loom larger now. Hibbs writes in his newsletter,
Honestly, so many of you have already reached out that it really heartens me. Everyone at Comix Experience is currently healthy and well, and we're being scrupulous about sanitizing things and keeping our hands washed and washed and washed some more. Hopefully you are staying healthy as well!
Because the local governments of the entire San Francisco Bay Area have issued that "Shelter in Place" order it should be obvious that all of our upcoming IN PERSON GN Club events have been cancelled as in-person — but thankfully we've been offering "virtual" for years and won't miss a step!
I've changed some times around to make this a little smoother on our side, but hopefully you're sitting at home and can join us freely.
Laura Knetzger for BUG BOYS (what a fun book!) for the Kid's Club is this coming Sunday March 22, and we've moved it to NOON pacific. Please join us on the livestream on YouTube (or anytime after) by going to
Sophie Goldstein & Jenn Jordan for AN EMBARRASSMENT OF WITCHES for the adult club will be Wednesday, March 25th, and we've moved it to FIVE PM PACIFIC (much easier for you east coasters now). Please join us on the livestream on YouTube (or anytime after) by going to
These will be officially announced in two weeks, but so you can pre-build your calendar, our April adult club will be GRAFITY'S WALL by Ram V and Anand RK, one of whom is in London, and the other is in Mumbai, so we had always planned on doing a livestream-only meeting on Sunday, April 19th at 10 AM pacific (not changing that because of the time differences) Please join us on the livestream on YouTube (or anytime after) by going to
April's KIDS CLUB will be Tait Howard for THE SUNKEN TOWER on Sunday, April 26th at Noon. Please join us on the livestream on YouTube (or anytime after) by
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FOR THE KIDS CLUB!: YouTube no longer allows "live chat" during broadcasts intended for children, so we will have to do a slightly awkward work around to take questions. Can you please have your child write their best question and email it to with a Title of "Question for BUG BOYS" (this month) or "Question for SUNKEN TOWER" (next month) We can do this while we're live as well, but having a stack of questions in advance would really help in my planning for this, since we're really going to be doing a skeleton crew to get the shows out.
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Comix Experience, because of the "Shelter in Place", is NOT open for walk-in customers. However, our current (CHANGEABLE!) plan is we have someone in the store answering the phones, taking mail order orders, doing shipping, from noon to five daily. Again, this could change at any second. But, if you are a "pick up" customer, we can currently offer Curbside Delivery.
Please email either or (you should be able to figure out the difference?) to schedule us having your book(s) ready for you, or, less optimally, call either store at 415-863-9258 (Divis) or 415-239-2669 (Ocean) — but we really really really need to know you are coming before you come (Sorry! Extraordinary times!)
IF you'd like us to switch you over to shipping… well, dang it, our third party service (MoonClerk) that runs the backend of maintaining our subs doesn't let us tack on one time charges or even modify the pickup/shipping status of an account, so we have to go outside to make it happen. Paypal becomes the best bet, to Priority Mail shipping (insured, tracking) is $7.75 a shipment. Make sure you put the shipping address in the notes field. If you have multiple months of books waiting, up that to $15, please, for the box size package. If at all possible, please mark it as "friends and family" or possibly "trusted account" so we don't have to pay the super-high fees to receive the money.
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We are HAPPY to sell you another book or two. Or Five!
We completely suck at the 21st century because we don't have our inventory live and on-line or anything like that, but we really are happy to sell you anything else that you're looking for. Please let us know if there's another comic or graphic novel that you might want. If you'd like some curation, email the email I've said several times now, but recognize we might be semi-slow on the response. Wowzers, the one-on-one, high-human-touch thing that I have always prided me and my staff on doing really is so much harder in a world of only on-phone or via email and without some sort of "here's all of our stock" website. Writing takes a lot more time than talking! And fulfilling orders takes more time than activating them.
Because we're closed to our bread and butter of walk-in traffic, I am also welcoming any acts of philanthropy to make sure that we get over that hump.
Comix Experience wants to make sure that all of the staff gets paid their full wages at the end of this.