Posted in: Comics | Tagged: cooking, deadpool, marvel
Cooking With Deadpool Recipe Book Begins By Choosing The Right Knife
There is an upcoming Cooking With Deadpool book by Marc Sumerak and Elana Craig, to published by Insight Editions. There's no escaping it, it just is.
Here's the blurb.
Deadpool brings his inimitable style, foul-mouthed humor, and notorious skill with a blade to the kitchen in this hilarious take on a traditional cookbook, featuring classic recipes with a Deadpool spin and a whole lotta chimichangas. No super hero takes food quite as seriously as Deadpool. In this gorgeously designed cookbook that paid reviewers have described as "glorious" and "the best cookbook I've ever read," Deadpool offers his take on a curated collection of epicurean classics. Narrated by the wisecracking super hero (and sexy master chef) himself, this book also incudes recipes inspired by some of his closest friends/enemies (Here's lookin' at you, Spidey) and his favorite meals, including chimichangas, tacos, pancakes, and hamburgers with no pickles. This comprehensive culinary guide is complete with recipe modification suggestions, illustrations, and mouthwatering full-color photography. This is the ultimate gift for seasoned cooks and Marvel fans alike!
Marc Sumerak used to be an editor at Marvel Comics is best known for writing the all-ages Power Pack comic books, Franklin Richards: Son of a Genius and translating Spider-Man J into English. He has also written Guardians, Marvel Age: Fantastic Four, Machine Teen, Ororo: Before the Storm and more. He's what you call a safe pair of hands which is what, presumably, is needed for a book like this.
Elena P. Craig is a freelance food stylist, working for the likes of Cost Plus World Market, Kashi Foods, Ambrosia Corporate Gifts, eBay, Chef Facts Fast, Ideo, Cowgirl Creamery, Lagunitas Brewery.
Together, they give us the Cooking With Deadpool Recipe book. And it all starts, it seems, with choosing the right knife. Of course it does.
Published on the third of February, 2021.