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Cullen Bunn Returns To Deadpool For Role-Playing Game One-Shot

Deadpool Role-Plays The Marvel Universe is the first comic-sized, one-shot adventure for the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game.

Article Summary

  • Cullen Bunn pens a Deadpool RPG one-shot for Marvel's Multiverse game.
  • The comic includes a story, standalone RPG adventure, and character profiles.
  • Marvel's RPG hardcover launched in 2023 and has received wide acclaim.
  • Available now: Core Rulebook and Marvel Multiverse RPG: Kang Cataclysm.

Cullen Bunn is the author of Marvel's best-selling Deadpool comic ever, Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe, a perennial bestseller for the publisher.  For a time, Marvel Comics were no longer in the Cullen Bunn business… but he returned with Death Of The Venomverse and now is back with Deadpool for Deadpool Role-Plays The Marvel Universe. And the first comic-sized, one-shot adventure for the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game written by Bunn and drawn by Mike Shelfer with a cover by Mike Hawthorne and Alex Sinclair. It will be published on the 17th of July.

Cullen Bunn Returns To Deadpool For Role-Playing Game One-Shot
Cullen Bunn Returns To Deadpool For Role-Playing Game One-Shot

"The upcoming book includes a comic story lead-in by Cullen Bunn (Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe), a full-fledged standalone RPG adventure, and new full-character profiles. Readers can play as Deadpool and his team – or use their own characters – in a fourth-wall breaking adventure right out of Marvel's comics! This new adventure book is meant to be used in conjunction with the hit Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game hard cover. The Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game launched in August 2023, and has since taken the tabletop gaming community by storm. The book garnered accolades including being a featured game on The McElroy Family's The Adventure Zone podcast, named the Best of GenCon 2023 by Gaming Trend, and has been played live several times by the beloved live-action gamers at The Glass Cannon Network."

The Core Rulebook and Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game: The Cataclysm of Kang are both available now. Previously, Al Ewing, Salva Espin and Paco Diaz had created a mini-series, You Are Deadpool which worked as a both a comic, and a choose-your own-adventure game. But Marvel UK produced it and sold it in as an actual game, rather than just a comic book collection, complete with packaged dice, pencils and character sheets at you read – and play – the comic.

Cullen Bunn Returns To Deadpool For Role-Playing Game One-Shot


Cullen Bunn Returns To Deadpool For Role-Playing Game One-Shot


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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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