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David Wolh No Longer Editor In Chief Of Radical Entertainment
Radical Publishing, the west coast company founded by Barry Levine, David Elliott, Jesse Berger, and Matthew Berger has reduced its publishing operations rather of late its seems, certainly where it comes to comic books. Whereas at one point they were swimming in good looking comics and movie deals, there hasn't been much movement on either for a while.
Well, today, editor-in-chief and ex of Top Cow, David Wohl, emailed work associates that he was leaving the company and today would be his last day.
I guess if there's less being published, there is less to edit.
UPDATE: Barry Levine told Bleeding Cool;
As the economics of the comic book business have changed, Radical has evolved into a transmedia company with a publishing division. We are still creating and publishing original IP with our creative partners, mostly in illustrated novel format, digital format and even still in comic book form, however we have also downsized what we need from an editorial capacity. Our focus in 2012 is on sales and distribution, going into production on several tentpole films and nurturing a new distribution deal that we entered into this week, and will be announcing over the coming weeks, that gives us access to Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart, Best Buy, Sam's Club and Costco, as well as VOD digital platforms. We wish David the best in his new ventures and we intend to work together in the future on a project by project basis.