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Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, dc, dc comics, firestorm, Gerry Conway, new 52
DC Comics Talking To Gerry Conway About Rebooting Firestorm
Gerry Conway co-created Firestorm for DC Comics.
Firestorm hasn't exactly found his milieu in the DC Comics universe of late, both pre and post New 52 relaunch.
So it looks as if the company may be considering going back to the original well.
After talking about the issues regarding the ex gracia payments to creators for using comic characters they've created in other media, as we mentioned earlier, he told the Fire And Water podcast.
In fact one of the things that Dan DiDio brought when we were talking was they are wanting some way to reboot Firestorm and he'd like to talk to me about it…
Relaunching the relaunch again?

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