Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: arkham academy, Batman, dc comics, Dennis Culver, gotham
DC Launches Arkham Academy as the Opposite of Teen Titans Academy
Batman: Urban Legends is about to get a new story by Dennis Culver and Hayden Sherman about a new set of young Gotham ne'er-do-wells who the city intended to "scare straight" by putting them into Arkham Academy. They are all new characters, though may bear the hallmarks of Gotham, as well as Enigma from Teen Titans, the possible daughter of the Riddler. Though I am not sure how many are straight in the first place.
Dennis Culver tweets "ARKHAM ACADEMY This November, Gotham City's most at risk teens get scared straight! A three part tale that begins in BATMAN: URBAN LEGENDS 21 Written by @dennisculver with Art by @cleanlined Colors by Jordie Bellaire and Letters by @droog811 Edited by Dave Wielgosz. Hayden is doing incredible work on this book. Wait until you see their pages! Scorn! Enigma! Deathtrap! Lil' Kitten! The Noise! Wannabe Wilson! You're gonna love our freaky kids <3"
Hayden Sherman added "Introducing: ARKHAM ACADEMY! A 3 part story beginning in BATMAN: URBAN LEGENDS #21 Gotham's most at risk teens get enrolled in a new program to scare them straight! Written by @dennisculver , drawn by me, colors by Jordie Bellaire, letters by @droog811 , edited by Dave Wielgosz. I'm still baffled by the fact that I got to design a whole cast of characters for @DCComics !! The entire process has been such a fulfilling joy And drawing the actual pages has only been all the more fun, I can't wait for everyone to see what we've been cooking up in full :D"
So we have Dr Otus in charge, alongside Officer Wise and Officer Horn, with "inmates" or "classmates", depending on your definition, with Enigma, Scorn, Wannabe Wilson, Lil' Kitten, The Noice, Deathtrap. Batman Urban Legends is an anthology comic book telling stories set in Batman's Gptham with a variety of characters, and Batman Urban Legends #21 will be published in November 2022.