Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: politics, Release the Snyder Cut!, robert garcia
DC-Loving Congressman Robert Garcia Shows Off U.S. Comic Collection
Hot off the heels of a successful DC cinematic universe power play, Congressman Robert Garcia showed off some of the nation's finest comic books.
While everyone else on capitol hill seems to be obsessed with classified documents, DC-loving Congressman Robert Garcia is wielding his power to get his hands on even rarer items: the comic book collection of the Library of Congress! Garcia, who was recently sworn in on, amongst other things, a copy of Superman #1, took to twitter to show off some of the books his office grants him access to.
In the video, Garcia shows off Superman #1, Batman #1, The Dark Knight Returns #1, Amazing Fantasy #27, and Sensation Comics #1. "Pulled some amazing books today from the Library of Congress," Garcia tweeted. "I had a chance to read through some of the pages. An incredible honor for any comics nerd." Garcia did not say whether he had done anything more than read through the pages, such as roll around naked with the comics like that scene from Indecent Proposal, or toss them into a swimming pool and dive into them Scrooge McDuck style, but he didn't specifically deny doing those things either, it's worth noting.
In viewing the comics, Garcia fulfills a campaign promise to use the congressional reading room at the Library of Congress to check out some sweet issues. It's not the first time Garcia has used politics to further his love of superheroes, especially the ones from the DC Universe. Garcia recently threatened congressional hearings if DCU co-head James Gunn failed to release a plan for the DC cinematic universe by February 1st, and Gunn immediately acquiesced, issuing the plans within 48 hours.
Elected as Mayor of Long Beach in 2014, Garcia was the youngest, first openly gay, first Latino, and first Snyderbrony mayor of the city. He used his power to promote pro-DC policies, such as hiding secret DC fanboy messages, in the construction of a new community center and calling for the release of the Synder Cut of Justice League, a version of the 2016 film that restores the vision of director Zack Snyder, who was forced to leave the project due to a personal tragedy. Alleged fake feminist Joss Whedon was brought in to finish Snyder's work, but instead of respecting his vision, Whedon replaced all of Snyder's badass Superman scenes with scenes where Cyborg says "booyah." But Snyderbronies — the colloquial term for hardcore fans of Zack Snyder — successfully campaigned for Warner Bros to release the Snyder Cut on HBO Max in 2021. Had Garcia held federal office, perhaps we could have gotten the Snyder Cut even sooner.
Garcia, meanwhile, continued to ascend to national power, winning his election to California's newly redrawn 42nd District and being sworn in in 2023. Riding high off the momentum of bending James Gunn to his will and accessing some of the nation's most treasured comics, one can only imagine what feats Garcia could achieve next. Perhaps Garcia could introduce legislation to combat the rising costs of comics, or regulate the comic book industry to prohibit super-mega-crossover events that shake comic book universes to their foundations leaving nothing the same again to no more than two times per year. If it was our choice, however, we would suggest launching a congressional investigation into the allegations that Wolverine has two dicks, in order to find out once and for all whether one is for @#$%ing and the other for making love. The people of America have a right to know.