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Death Metal: Rise Of The New Gods Shows A Path Beyond Future State
Scott Snyder has been saying that the current DC comic book Death Metal is a celebration of all that DC Comics has been up to the present day, rather than anything pointing to the future. But that's when the DC Comics future was 5G, Snyder was doing whatever he could to resist it and aside from an appearance of the DC characters aged up at the end of Death Metal, he managed to keep Dan DiDio's plans out of it. Of course that was a) when 5G was happening and b) when DC employed Dan DiDio as publisher.
Now the final issue of Death Metal will have two epilogues, one teasing what 5G turned into, the two-month Future State event, and another for… whatever comes next. But it appears that Scott Snyder may have already set up some of that with last week's Death Metal: Rise Of The New God from bigtime DC writers Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV and Josh Williamson.
Death Metal: Rise Of The New God saw The Batman Who Laughs engage in a fist fight with Perpetua, which involved throwing planets at each other's heads. It was that kind of comic book. Into the middle of which stepped a fellow with an explosion for a head.
Here to monitor the last moments of this multiverse as it faced utter destruction from the cosmic planet throwing.
A being beyond the Multiverse, of the Omniverse. Which contains many multiverses, and with which Vril Dox had been trying to communicate for an escape hatch.
But then this being decided to have a little read first. And, picking up one of the Folio Society volumes, does his best George Takei impersonation.
With Metron pointing out that after reading up on the DC Universe, like any good collector, he needs to save it all.
With Metron laying out the facts of life for the DC Universe – the DC MUltiverse – and its place in a wider scale of things.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what's coming after Future State. Everything. Any story, any character, any creator, any timeline, any reality, anything goes. Freedom for creators to take a story, use what continuity they deem fit, and tell that story to the best of their ability. Call it hypertime, call it non-continuity, call it Omniverse. And it all starts with Death Metal: The Rise Of The New God.
Batman. Always. Wins. This irrevocable truth resonates to the very heart of Perpetua's battle with the Batman Who Laughs…and when her ally reveals his absolute nature, she will upend this mantra and destroy the last planet. His planet. But that's not enough…and the mother of all creation must wonder, if power lies in destruction, why would she ever stop? But that's the thing about truth…when it turns to fact, there's no disputing its godlike reverence…and so enters the Darkest Knight. Featuring a backup story that spins out of the cliffhanger from Dark Nights: Death Metal Multiverse's End #1.In Shops: Oct 28, 2020 SRP: $5.99