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Devan Coggan Joins Marvel As An Editor, From Entertainment Weekly

Devan Coggan Joins Marvel as an Editor, From Entertainment Weekly... but where in the comic book publishing entity will she end up?

Article Summary

  • Devan Coggan leaves Entertainment Weekly for Marvel as a new Editor.
  • Graduate of Northwestern, she boasts a diverse background in journalism.
  • Expected to work on Marvel's digital media on the West Coast, not comics.
  • Known for witty takes on Marvel films and a passion for pop culture.

Devan Coggan has announced on social media that she is joining Marvel as a new Editor. She writes "Some news: After almost a decade at @EW, I'm leaving to start a new job as an editor over at @Marvel. Will miss my EW family terribly, but excited for a new adventure!"

Devan Coggan Joins Marvel As An Editor, From Entertainment Weekly
Devan Coggan screencap from YouTube

Devan Coggan (which she says rhymes with "seven slogan")  has been working at Entertainment Weekly for nine years, beginning as an Editorial Assistant, before working up to Senior Writer for the last two years. Graduating from Northwestern University with a Bachelor of Science in Journalism, she also worked as a Fact Checker for New York Magazine, a copywriter for CheckMark Communications at Nestlé Purina, and a Reporter, Copy Chief, Arts & Entertainment Editor at The Daily Northwestern. She states that "most of her personality is just John Mulaney quotes and Lord of the Rings references."

Devan Coggan Joins Marvel As An Editor, From Entertainment Weekly
Devan Coggan screencap from YouTube

It looks like she'll be working as an editor on the west coast of Marvel, in digital media, rather than the comics editorial, but you never know where you'll end up. Of course, we checked out what Devan Coggan had been writing about Marvel of late… when she was not writing about Doctor Who, that is.

She did once say "It's sort of bleakly funny that Marvel made Age of Ultron, a movie about how relying too much on AI technology is bad, and then used AI technology itself on Secret Invasion." And also "My absolute favorite thing about Vin Diesel is how he always wears a Groot-inspired outfit to all the Marvel premieres." Can't argue with any of that!

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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