Digital Archives

ElfQuest Returns At BoingBoing
This long standing fantasy series was self published through Warp Graphics. It appeared from Marvel Comics. It was published by DC Comics. There was going
A New Adventure for Simone And Ajax
The Adventures of Simone & Ajax is a new weekly webcomic by Andrew Pepoy that's been running  in a variety of forms over the last few years (most
Ben Abernathy Joins Madefire
He was the digital editor at DC Comics, until he mysteriously vanished from the company a couple of weeks ago. Now he has popped up, mentioned in a USA
Right Up Your Artist Alley Comics
Co-founded by Craig Rousseau, Rich Woodall and Kelly Yates, Artist Alley is a hub for creator-driven digital comics, with a price point to match. They
Ben Abernathy Leaves DC Comics
With a history at Dark Horse Comics and Marvel, Ben Abernathy was Senior Editor at Wildstorm when DC Comics underwent their relatively recent
Review: Young Bottoms In Love
Louis Falcetti writes for Bleeding Cool; I have no experience with romance comics. Romance, I'm fairly well acquainted with, although we haven't been on