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Emily Brooks Millar Launches Her Own Comic, The Couch Ate My Brother

This weekend's Scottish Mail On Sunday splashed with a feature on a new comic book creator with quite the legacy. Emily Brooks Millar, whose father is legendary comic book writer, publisher and now Netflix employee, Mark Millar. Telling how aspects of Hit-Girl from Kick-Ass was based on her, at the age of 22 and living in Glasgow, Emily is staging her first art exhibition and launching her first comic book. And from all the evidence we have had over the years, she is a far better artist than her father.

Emily Brooks Millar Launches Her Own Comic, The Couch Ate My Brother
Emily Brooks Millar Launches Her Own Comic, The Couch Ate My Brother

Sam Merriman, trainee reporter for the Mail On Sunday quoted Emily saying 'There are scenes in the comic book where HitGirl's dad takes her out on a su­per­hero train­ing mis­sion. When he was work­ing on it my dad would take me out to do laps of the park and the same train­ing ex­er­cises."

And as her new comic book, The Couch Ate My Brother, writ­ten with her boyfriend, the writer/director/actor Kriss Cum­mins? "It fol­lows a girl called In­grid who has fallen out with her brother Jamie. Their sofa eats Jamie and In­grid has to go to the underworld and bring him back home." The comic will be published in the New Year.

Emily Brooks Millar Launches Her Own Comic, The Couch Ate My Brother
The Couch Ate My Brother by Emily Brooks Millar

The article also featured her lockdown-created art ex­hi­bi­tion, Nuns On The Run, bringing to­gether her love of Hol­ly­wood, hor­ror films and re­li­gion. I get the feeling from conversations I've had with my 15-year-old daughter Eve, that she will be asking how she can get an exhibition next year. Looks like I'll be learning from the Millars.

But then I always have. Her dad had the habit of getting local Scottish press coverage and, in the early days of the internet, representing it as international coverage. It worked a treat for me as well, though I may not have monetised it quite as readily as Mark. He doesn't need to do that any more, and it's a little harder now, but it's clearly a good place to start.

Emily Brooks Millar trained in Environmental Art at Tramway Visual Arts Studio before studying Disability and Disease History at university. She has completed internships with Netflix Marketing, Titan Publishing and worked with Scottish sculptor Andy Scott.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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