Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: erik bennett, immortal hulk, joe bennett, Marvel Comics
In Memory of Erik Bennett, Son of Joe Bennett
In today's Immortal Hulk comic book, the letters page at the back begins with an image by the series artist Joe Bennett. A few weeks ago he and his wife lost their young son, Erik Bennett. Bleeding Cool reprints the note from Marvel editorial, as well as the artwork Joe used to tell his readers of the tragic events last month, with Joe's permission.
Last month, Joe Bennett posted these words;
Ontem eu senti a maior dor que um pai poderia sentir…Enterrei meu pequeno Erik. Vá com Deus meu pequeno Viking. Você ,em sua breve vida, lutou como um guerreiro e foi amado por mim, sua Mãe e suas irmãs com o amor mais puro e forte do mundo…
Yesterday I felt the most gruesome pain that a Father would feel… My little Erik passed away. Godspeed my Little Viking. In your brief life you fought like a great warrior, your love for me, your Mother and your sisters was the most pure and strongest love of all the world.
Joe and his family remain in the thoughts and prayers of all at Bleeding Cool at this traumatic time. Immortal Hulk #27, dedicated to the memory of Erik, is published by Marvel Comics today.