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Inspector Pilgrim Teaches Jai West Brand New Flash Powers (Spoilers)
Is Inspector Pilgrim going to be the Flash version of John Constantine? It looks like it, does it not? Spoilers for Flash #5 going forward.
Article Summary
- Jai West learns new speed powers from Inspector Pilgrim in the latest Flash issue.
- Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato's redefinition of Flash compared to iconic comics.
- New techniques include 'tekleport' jumps using Speed Force of other speedsters.
- Risks of time travel and its impact on Jai's existence explored in the narrative.
New powers for old, new powers for old! Bleeding Cool already compared the new Flash series by Si Spurrier and Mike Deodato to both Immortal Hulk and Saga Of The Swamp Thing in terms of trying to redefine a character. In the new issue out tomorrow, it is time to pass that lesson on, as the mantle descends onto Jai Allen, and we meet a new person with a silly hat.
Inspector Pilgrim, Science Detective and, just as Si Spurrier has returned to John Constantine, so we have a science version of Constantine. Just A Pilgrim, Pilgrim's Progress, you can fill in the blanks. And he is here to show that Jai West, son of Wally West, can do a lot more with his speed powers than he currently does, just as Constantine did with Swamp Thing four decades ago.
Creating tekleport jumps for himself not only using his own Speed Force but other speedsters as well, And what's that about time travel as well? Because time travel and Flashes always mixes.
Jumping from speedster to speedster, and discovering things he shouldn't know in the process. Given how Jai West's very existence is as a result of some serious time travel and intervention by cosmic beings, is it possible he could interfere with his very own existence? Probably, I mean, one of the main jobs as a parent is to stoo their child kiling themselves one way or another. And every oparent has at least one story when they very neary didn't. Speedstering is just going to make then even worse!
Flash #5 is published on Tuesday by DC Comics.
(W) Si Spurrier (A/CA) Mike Deodato Jr
As Wally West's powers continue to evolve beyond his understanding, another confrontation with the Stillness makes the group wonder if they are here to protect Earth with the Flash, or from him. While Wally seeks out the Resident for answers, Jai has a secret he really needs to tell his Dad, and Jai's quest to find Wally brings him into the heart of the horrors affecting Central City! Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 01/23/2024