Posted in: Comics | Tagged: body bags, Jason Pearson
Jason Pearson Is Destroying His Original Artwork Unless You Stop Him
Shortly after writing about creating a new Body Bags comic called Vicious, creator Jason Pearson posted on Facebook;
As a notice to all concerned, all artwork of mine, that is still in my possession, will be destroyed after a period of time.
If this is upsetting then my apologies. I just don't need the unwanted around me anymore.
What artwork of mine makes it to the general public, better be cherished. Because that is all there will be
The artwork, I produce, are like children to me. I won't let them be bartered at the lowest price just so some piece of shit can mangle a better price on deal on another artist's work. Also ,sorry, no charities. Charities have become as corrupt as auctions.
Nobody needs to worry about me. I'm completely sick of your concern. I'm destroying artwork to release me from you.
Here's the next to be destroyed. Contact Mike at to get details on these before I rip them up. Yes, these are just pencils.Tim Townsend was to schedule to ink these but I had to digitally ink them due to time constraints.
People say that I'm destroying history. History is what you choose to believe in. Believe in me and I'll never be forgotten. No matter what I've destroyed.
Adam Tierney posted;
Hi Jason, I don't know if you remember me, but in 2006 you did the illustrations for a Justice League videogame I directed. Your art was amazing, of course, but at the time you weren't interested in selling any of the originals.
I'm writing today because if you're planning to destroy any of those particular art pieces, I'd ask you to please consider selling them to me instead. Many talented people here worked very hard on that game, and I would love to reward them for that effort with some of your original art from the game, if you're ever willing to sell it.
Thanks again for the incredible art you created for that game. Killer Frost has never looked sexier.
Jason replied;
Adam Tierney. I just posted the Flash game that caused me more trouble than it was worth. I believe I lost a friendship in the process.
I expect is getting quite a few e-mails about now.