Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: infinity, jugernaut, marvel unlimited, x-men
Juggernaut Gets New Armour And New Team in X-Men Infinity Unlimited
Today sees the return of the weekly Marvel Unlimited exclusive Infinity digital comics series X-Men Unlimited. And sees Fabian Nicieza return to bother the Juggernaut and his co-creation, Deadpool, with artist Matthew Horak by way of Krakoa! And it seems that The Juggernaut is now part of his own super-team…
I like it, Juggernaut! So who are these ne'er-do-wells?
We have Quicksand…
We have Primus…
And we have D-Cel. Maybe they ,may have another recruit along the way?
Rubber Maid. As long as she's unstoppable, she could be part and parcel.
And everyone likes Deadpool's new armour. Even Deadpool…
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic (2021) #13
Published: December 06, 2021
An all-new story arc in the X-Men anthology series starts here! Deadpool and Juggernaut star in "Paradise Lost" by Fabian Nicieza and Matthew Horak! The mouthy merc is involved in a prison break which results in him getting punched in the face. By Juggernaut.
Marvel Comics has announced a new line of original digital comic books designed for the medium and distributed through Marvel Unlimited, the company's all-you-can-read subscription comics service. Which is also getting overhauled today with a new logo, an updated app, a more streamlined Netflix-style design, improved search, bulk subscribe, creator and character tags, unlimited download, Marvel Insider loyalty program now integrated, and the like. "Infinity Comics" is a new line of exclusive comics that have been specifically designed for the vertical form factor of a modern smartphone, with scrolling panels that fill the entire width of a phone or tablet screen. And not to be confused with their former line of Infinite Comics, which were decampi comics, digital comics that saw changes dropped on top of previous panels before moving to the next. Bleeding Cool may decide to call them Mar-Vertical Comics for less confusion, as they follow the vertical drop reading pattern established by Webtoons. Infinity Comics will not include any licensing deals with no external editorial control as you may find in DC's current digital first line. The comics are 100% created by the editors and creators who also create the print books Marvel is launching with the following seven Infinity Comics series available today, with plans for over a hundred issues by the end of the year, exclusive to Marvel Unlimited subscribers
- Jonathan Hickman and Declan Shalvey's X-Men Unlimited Weekly #1 and #2
- Skottie Young and Dax Gordine's return of Giant-Size Little Marvels #1 and 2
- It's Jeff, featuring Jeff The Landshark by Kelly Thompson and Gurihiru #1 and #2
- Shang-Chi four issues series, done in one, by Alyssa Wong and Nathan Stockman
- Black Widow: Easter Egg Hunt one-shot by Mark Russell, Ann Maulina and Irma Kniivila
- Amazing Fantasy Prelude by Kaare Andrews.
- Captain America series by Jay Edidin and Nico Leon