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Let's Meet The Princess, Walking Dead's Character Find For 2017
Today sees the release of The Walking Dead #171. And a preview of #172 apparently, if you a) get lucky in the comic store or b) pony up $75 on eBay. And it's all to introduce the new character The Princess. The only living survivor of Pittsburgh, discovered by Michonne and her crew.
It's an occasion where Dave Stewart's colours for the cover and much appreciated as the internal images are, as ever, in black and white. and there is something very specific about the choice of colours that will set this character apart, but is a little lacking in the inside pages.
It's the pink. In a world portrayed in greys, and on the covers, games and TV, subdued colours of death, the pink stand out as shocking. It defines a new character, a new approach, and something that may well shake the Walking Dead world up.
And yeah, I can't help but think of the X-Men's Jubilee, just a little. You know, if she's joined X-Force, and had a bigger gun. She also lived in isolation for quite a while too, when Wolverine discovered her, hiding from the Reavers…
And like Jubilee, this Princess has quite a bit to say.
And a unique outlook on life.
Her name is Juanita Sanchez but she's the Princess. The Princess Of Pittsburgh. Well, why not, there was no one else to take the title. And she does wear pink.
And we even get a little meta-commentary along the way…
Love her? Hate her? A little bit of both?
That's usually the sign of a stand out successful Walking Dead character. Who will spot the first cosplay? Has it already happened? Could this be just the first of the Walking Dead Princesses?
The Walking Dead #171 by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard, Stefano Gaudiano, Cliff Rathburn, and Rus Wooten is published today. Oh look, they've sold one of the copies on eBay for $80 now.