Posted in: Comics | Tagged: comic review, HRL, Lacey reviews, Lisa Sterle, Long Lost, Matthew Erman
Long Lost #4 Review: Marrying Family and Horror
In this preview of Long Lost #4, we continue our journey with sisters Piper and Frances, learning more about family, history, and their home of Hazel Patch. Darkness and mystery abound as the girls continue their journey to discover the truth.
The tone of Long Lost #4 is much heavier than the previous installations. Even the cover implies the weight within; a beauty of moody blue melancholy focusing on Piper. Our story opens with narration from said character, a poignant monologue about her place in their home town. This is similar to how issue #3 started, yet it works much better here. With Piper we've built a connection and it lends to the reader trusting how she sees Hazel Patch.
It's this relationship – and a similar one with sister Frances – that makes the reader so engrossed in the going ons of this issue. As the girls walk through their former home I found myself staring intensely at each panel. Was the casual passerby something more sinister? The lady peeking out her window? Even in the relatively light-hearted middle there is a corrupt vibe brewing just beneath the surface. After just four issues I'm completely attached to these two women and their struggles. If you've been reading along, then issue #4 will have you feeling the same.
Erman is back in his element with this script, from Piper's bitter recollections to the frantic confessions of their aunt. Secrets are rapidly coming into light in Hazel Patch as new relationships are revealed. Whether Piper and Frances can survive it is another story.
Whatever is going on in Hazel Patch is truly frightening. Even as on high alert as I was, I was still taken aback by certain scenes. With Erman keeping the dialogue focused and with Sterle's tendency to slip things right under your nose the terror quickly closes in on you before you're ready. As I thought in my last review, Long Lost is really delving into the horror side of its story, and it looks like we're in for a wild ride. Without ruining anything, there is a casual conversation that quickly grows dark and bloody – and I was in no way prepared for it.
Long Lost #4 stands out in a series that is already incredibly captivating. You really do not want to miss this one.
You can pick up Long Lost #4 for $3.99 starting 2/28/18.