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Mark Millar & John Romita Reunite For Something That Is Not Kick Ass

Mark Millar and John Romita will be reuniting on something different as part of a new wave of Millarworld comics from Dark Horse next year

Article Summary

  • Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. reunite for a new project, their first collaboration since Kick-Ass and Wolverine.
  • Millar teases a November reveal for the surprise project, promising it's not what fans would expect.
  • New Millarworld comics wave at Dark Horse set for 2024, featuring a top-tier lineup of artists.
  • Millar praises past success in attracting Marvel and DC's best artists for recent projects.

Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. created Kick-Ass when it was published by Marvel Comics before moving to Image Comics and then Dark Horse Comics, with a couple of films along the way. And it looks like Mark and John will be reuniting on something different as part of a new wave of Millarworld comics coming from Dark Horse next year. Talking to John Siuntres on his Word Balloon Podcast, Millar said;

Mark Millar screencap for Word Balloon
Mark Millar screencap for Word Balloon

"I think we'll go public with this maybe the end of November, but Johnny and I are working on a new project, and it's great. Johnny and I have only ever worked together twice. We did Kick-Ass, which blew up and became this huge thing, and we did Wolverine together… and we loved working together I mean Johnny and I instantly just clicked… so Johnny and I have got this new thing and we were talking about it on Friday night and we were just buzzing, we cannot wait, so I've started writing, I've actually just started so, we'll be public at the end of November, start of December. It's not what you think nobody's seen this one coming, this is not what you expect."

As for the future of Millarworld at Dark Horse;

"Next year there's a whole new wave of Millarworld books from Netflix starting in in March or April, I think round about December we'll probably announce what those are. But the lineup of artists for next year is insane. I mean, I've always got great artists, but I think this is the best lineup of artists I've ever had. I mean this is completely nuts who I've got for next year, and some of them are guys returning who I've worked with before, who we all love. Comics has got some really great people and I'm lucky that I've got them all."

And you may mock, but I will always remember Mark Millar saying he had got Marvel and DC's best artists on Big Game and Nemesis Reloaded, and I joked something to the effect of "Oh, you've got Pepe Larraz and Jorge Jimenez, have you? Really?" And yes, he had…

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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