Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, kickstarter, mars attacks
Mars Attacks Kickstarter
Adam Levine writes;
Yesterday Mars Attacks! hit Kickstarter in a big way. Last year marked 50 years of Martian Mayhem and, in collaboration with The Topps Company, the ray guns and the flying saucers have been brought to your tabletop with a new miniatures game from UK-based firm Mantic Games.
So, I put the question to them: why would Mantic do Mars Attacks? Here's what CEO Ronnie Renton had to say…
Are you kidding me, why wouldn't we! It has Martians invading the Earth, and all the forces of humanity fighting for their survival against overwhelming odds! What could be a better backdrop for a game than that? Oh, and THE coolest looking Martian ever!
From the second Topps approached Mantic to look at a cooperation I knew we could make this work. And as I learnt more about the setting itself, and what they were trying to do, I became more and more certain. Obviously the first thing that came to mind was the movie, but with every conversation with Topps, and each piece of background I read, the product I wanted to make became clearer and clearer – and better and better.
Mars Attacks is going to give us a range that will attract people who are new to tabletop gaming – with miniatures that are pre-assembled, yet detailed and beautifully made. Simple but challenging rules, and a fantastic gaming area to play it all on, with destroyed buildings and smashed up street furniture to make the environment come to life!
We have tried to incorporate the joyful mayhem and mass destruction from the original cards and the IDW Comics into every part of the game – from the miniatures, through the battle mat and into the cards and rules – an example of which is giant robots throwing cars across the battlefield! The cards could either help your cause – or seriously mess up your opponent's plans (Mwa ha ha!)
We've put Mars Attacks on Kickstarter because with the help of the community we will be able to throw the full weight of Mantic's resource behind expanding the range from just the base game to Flying Saucers, heaps of Alien invaders and all those wondrous creations that are captured so vividly in the cards. We want to make a great gaming system with beautifully detailed miniatures, and with the support of backers and Kickstarter, we'll be able to do that, just like we have with DreadBall and Deadzone.
It's obvious that there is a great deal of passion from Mantic about Mars Attacks! and judging by the fantastic start to their campaign, there is a lot of love for universe in the community. They've recently broken through a couple of goals funding a few characters you might recognized from IDW's highly-rated Mars Attack! comic series (with a little shout-out to Bleeding Cool when the announced the goal too)…
Pledging on the Kickstarter is easy too as Fans have the option to purchase the whole box game plus a variety of value add-ons, or they can buy ala carte, and pledge only what they want to buy, say just a bunch of Martian figures and the IDW character packs. If you can't see what you want, simply message Mantic via the Kickstarter Message.
The Mars Attacks Kickstarter is now live and finishes on the 10th November!