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Marvel Comics Tried To Get Jim Lee To Take Over X-Men, After Krakoa

In the new Robservations podcast, Rob Liefeld shares some gossip that Jim Lee came close to returning to the X-Men comic books last year.

Article Summary

  • Marvel Comics offered Jim Lee a chance to helm X-Men post-Krakoa.
  • Jim Lee opted to stay with DC Comics as publisher and CCO.
  • Lee passed on drawing for X-Men, valuing family time over intense deadlines.
  • The upcoming X-Men relaunch in June will not feature Jim Lee's artwork.

In the new Robservations podcast by Rob Liefeld, season 6 episode 2, entitled "From Jim Lee to Plan B", Rob Liefeld shares some gossip that Jim Lee came close to returning to the X-Men comic books last year. But instead, he remained publisher and CCO of DC Comics.

Rob Liefeld Says Marvel Tried To Get Jim Lee To Take Over X-Men

He states in the podcast that Marvel Comics approached Jim Lee to leave DC Comics in the spring of 2023 and come to Marvel to return to draw X-Men and have Jim Lee take over the books after the Krakoan Age wraps up this year. With a very healthy offer. Which, while not something that Jim Lee took, was very handy when Lee was negotiating his current DC Comics contract.

The reason given, according to Rob Liefeld, is that he has not done much interior work since he was drawing ten pages an issue on Suicide Squad for the first seven issues with Rob Williams back in 2016. And he didn't want to commit to such as run, and the intense and laborious work and deadlines needed, at this time in his life. And that his executive career gives him family/holiday time that drawing on an artboard may not. Though Rob Liefeld believes that Jim Lee will draw the X-Men sometime in his life.

Jim Lee's run on X-Men with Chris Claremont sold more than the series has ever enjoyed before or since. This is also a time when Disney+ is bringing back X-Men '97, based on the cartoon that was based on Jim Lee's early nineties work on Marvel Comics. And with moments of X-Men '97 appearing in Doctor Strange And The Multiverse Of Madness, Ms Marvel and The Marvels. And most likely Deadpool 3.

Rob Liefeld Says Marvel Tried To Get Jim Lee To Take Over X-Men

Well, the X-Men is being relaunched in June, but not with Jim Lee. Though they have used the logo that was used during his time on the book… Rob Liefeld is currently creating comics with Deadpool, Cable, Major X and X-Men with Time to Kill and First Contact comic books for Marvel.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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