Posted in: Comics | Tagged: covers, dynamite, live, Meghan Hetrick, Painting, vampirella
Meghan Hetrick Live Tonight, Painting Vampirella Covers For Dynamite
Bleeding Cool has been notified that one of our favourite comic book artists Meghan Hetrick is soon to go full steam ahead tonight on some Vampirella covers for Dynamite Entertainment, to be used as FOC covers in the future.
Meghan Hetrick already posted some early teasers to social media. But she is then is going to live stream working on the pieces through Twitch tonight and may be auctioning the pieces live as well. Half of the proceeds going to the buyer's local comic shop. Some of them may also be oil paintings, so each could take multiple nights to work on and stream.
She will begin streaming tonight when I will most definitely be in bed. From 8-11 pm EST or 5pm-8pm PST (or 1 am to 4 am on Thursday morning on my side), possibly longer. It's possible Meghan Hetrick may still be going when I wake up. She's also likely to do some different hours on following days, to accommodate other fans and also her own schedule. They are aiming to record everything as well, so people can watch later if they'd like. And I would like. You can also check out this archived video of a Wonder Woman painting for a preview. The original art will be auctioned off via social media once they're done or nearly so, though she'll be sharing more details on that live as well, with a portion of proceeds going to a comic shop of the buyer's choosing. Here's the initial development work she's done digitally, but moving forward she'll be painting. And flipping between them as paint dries, as doesn't necessarily make sense to stagger them out. She confirms it all here:
Let's take a look at some of that prep work shall we?