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The Mike Wieringo Cover That Wasn't, But Went Up In Flames – With Mike S. Miller and Cully Hamner
Mike Wieringo was a much loved comic book creator who died young of an aortic dissection at the age of 44 in 2007. Survived by his parents and his brother Matt, the Ringo Awards were named after him. He is best known for his work on The Flash, Spider-Man, and his own series, Tellos.
A week-and-a-bit ago, comic book creator Mike S. Miller had a plan for his new comic book.
Would he? It was a rough to a cover purchased and published by Marvel Comics after all…you can own the art, but can you own the rights to publish it, even if the IP is amended? Anyway…
After all, controversy sells, apparently. And the more the better. Let's see if that's true. Because Miller did what he threatened, inked the breakdowns with his own characters, and posted the results as a planned cover.
Of course, this was not an original cover by Mike Wieringo that in any way could be considered such by anyone. It was Red co-creator Cully Hamner who pointed this out earlier today.
Let's just overexpose that image.
A Spider-Man rough to a cover published by Marvel. Note, no signature in the rough.
Miller doubled down.
I think everyone has, Cully.
There was another charge as well…
It does remind me of a certain Rob Granito who claimed he worked with Dwayne McDuffie…and how that turned out. Shortly after Cully posted his response, Mike S. Miller had a change of heart.
Mike Wieringo's brother Matt Wieringo made it very clear.
Hang on, I mean, but…
… yeah, what he said. And Mike didn't seem particularly contrite…
Can we please have a moratorium on 'final solutions'? Especially considering what happens next? Because, yup, he set it on fire…
Well, I guess if Miller can't publish it, no one can. Controversial enough, now?