Posted in: Comics | Tagged: american cult, Comics, comics journalism, cults, silver sprocket
New Graphic Novel American Cult Explores History of Cults in America
Greetings, comrades! It is I, your El Presidente, taking a break from helping my good friend, President Joe Biden, put the finishing touches on his big infrastructure bill to bring you the latest comic book news from one of my favorite publishers, Silver Sprocket. Silver Sprocket sent over an email asking me to spread the word about this new graphic novel anthology, American Cult, edited by Robyn Chapman and bringing together what Silver Sprocket calls "some of the brightest talents in comics journalism who dig deep to find the truth that lies beyond the salacious headlines." My friends, this looks like an excellent book that… that… wait a minute…
Comrades, if Silver Sprocket was looking for "some of the brightest talents in comics journalism who dig deep to find the truth that lies beyond the salacious headlines," why would they not ask El Presidente to participate? This is an outrage! If Silver Sprocket was located in my socialist dictatorship, my secret police might have to pay them a little visit to extoll my many virtues. Unfortunately, Silver Sprocket is located in the socialist dictatorship of San Francisco, which is outside of my jurisdiction, comrades, so I will have to let them off the hook. Haw haw haw haw!
It's okay though. I am sure that this was merely an oversight and Silver Sprocket will ask your El Presidente to contribute to the sequel. For now, check out the description of what sounds like a truly glorious comic, amigos!
From its earliest days, America has been home to spiritual seekers.
In 1694, the religious tolerance of the Pennsylvania Colony enticed a Transylvanian monk and his forty followers to cross the Atlantic. Almost two hundred years later, a charismatic preacher founded a utopian community in Oneida, New York, that practiced socialism and free love. In the 1960s and '70s, a new generation of seekers gathered in vegetarian restaurants in Los Angeles, Satanic coffee shops in New Orleans, and fortified communes in Philadelphia. And in the twenty-first century, gurus use self-help seminars and get-rich-quick schemes to evangelize to their flocks.
Across the decades, Americans in search of divine truths have turned to unconventional prophets for the answers. Some of these prophets have demanded their faith, fortunes, and even their very lives.
In American Cult, editor Robyn Chapman has brought together over twenty of the brightest talents in comics journalism, who dig deep to find the truth that lies beyond the salacious headlines.
This collection sheds new light on infamous cults and brings focus to lesser-known groups, telling the stories of the Manson Family, NXIVM, the Oneida Community, MOVE, the Branch Davidians, Synanon, Heaven's Gate, the Westboro Baptist Church, the Peoples Temple, and many more.
American Cult features the talents of Lara Antal, Brian "Box" Brown, Ryan Carey, Rosa Colón Guerra, Mike Dawson, Lisa Rosalie Eisenberg, Mike Freiheit, Emi Gennis, Andrew Greenstone, Janet Harvey, Josh Kramer, Jesse, Lambert, Ellen Lindner, Lonnie Mann, Ben Passmore, Jim Rugg, Robert Sergel, Vreni Stollberger, Steve Teare, and J.T. Yost.
In stores May, 2021; $24.99; 6" x 9" Paperback; 208 B & W pages; ISBN: 978-1-945509-63-6; Diamond: FEB21824
Check out these sample pages from American Cult comrades, or you will die like dogs!
- The cover to American Cult
- Preview page from American Cult by Ben Passmore
- Preview page from American Cult by Robert Sergel
- Preview page from American Cult by Jesse Lambert
- Preview page from American Cult by Lisa Rosalie Eisenberg
- Preview page from American Cult by Andrew Greenstone
- Preview page from American Cult by Rosa Colón Guerra
- Preview page from American Cult by J.T. Yost
- Preview page from American Cult by Vreni Stollberger
- Preview page from American Cult by Janet Harvey and Jim Rugg
American Cult is available from SCB Distributors (book trade) and Diamond Comic Distributors (comic-shops), and it can be directly preordered here by you, comrade. Until next time, my friends: socialism or death!