Comics Archives

When Rorschach Proposed To Deadpool
From the Anime Boston Con last weekend. And I quote. So Friday afternoon outside the dealers room my friend Logan (Rorschach) proposed to her boyfriend
An Interview With A Comic Book Pirate
On Wednesday I received this e-mail. With it, was attached a CBR file of Iron Muslim #1. It read; Dear Rich, Been a HUGE fan of your comics since Civil
Swipe File: Batman Vs Gambit
Batman Hush promo vs Gambit #25 cover, both from 2oo1... In Swipe File we present two or more images that resemble each other to some degree. They may be
In One Week, In Two Weeks
I know I know, you haven't even finished reading this week's comics, and already we're talking about next week? And the week after? Well, them's the
Muscle And Fitness Have Got A Hulk
You too can have a body like this apparently. Well, it's about as realistic and acheivable as most of the folk that appear on magazines such as this
Now It's Archie VERSUS Kiss
They "met" in a previous crossover. But now it seems as if they've got some Avengers Vs X-Men fever. Because this winter it will be Archie VS Kiss.