Comics Archives

Marvel Launches Android App Today
My inbox is often full of people asking me when Marvel will launch an App on Google's Android system. I tell them I don't know. We did report when some
NYCC Debut: Dead Man's Party #1
Debuting at New York Comic Con… Title: Dead Man’s Party #1 Creators: Jeff Marsick (Writer) and Scott Barnett (Art) Available: Booth #2950 (Small Press
Phoenix Jones Arrested For Assault
Bleeding Cool have covered the real life superhero antics of Phoenix Jones, who patrols the streets of Seattle challenging the like of drug dealers, car
Dredd Goes Digest
Rebellion are to repackage a number of Judge Dredd tales in a manga-sized format for 2012 to appeal to a new audience generated by the Dredd movie. The
The Parties Of New York Comic Con
This list is a work in progress... feel free to add your own event details in the comments  and I'll update. Wednesday, October 12th Jim Hanley’s NYCC