Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: colossus, delays, krakoa, leonard kirk, marvel, sabretooth, x-men
Pages From Sabretooth #1 – And Another Month's Delay?
Sabretooth #1 was solicited for the first week in January 2022 but, according to Penguin Random House, will now be released on the 2nd of February 2022 instead. Though no one seems to have told Diamond yet. Bleeding Cool has been reporting repeatedly on delays hitting the comic book industry, this may just be the latest chapter. Or there may be editorial or creative delays, right now, it's all up in the air. But we do have a preview of a few pages from the first issue to show off for now. They show Charles Xavier condemning Sabretooth to the Krakoan pit, as a result of breaking the Krakoan law Murder No Man.
But then we see Sabretooth in the snowy forests, potentially of Canada, but snow does get everywhere. Maybe even on Krakoa? Seemingly disturbed by visitors and ready for a fight.
And with an X-Men team from some time ago, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Wolverine and Storm – and Sabretooth having drawn blood, it seems. Of course, there is one person missing…
Whatever this confrontation is, where on earth is Colossus? His absence seems to be rather marked in this scene. He's been up to all sorts of nonsense in X-Force, being manipulated by Rissian forces – did he do something that might have seen him ejected from polite mutant society?
Sabretooth #1
Comic Script by: Victor LaValle
Illustrated by: Leonard Kirk
Cover Design or Artwork by: Ryan Stegman
On Sale 02/02/2022 $4.99
DOWN IN A HOLE! Sabretooth went into the Pit, sentenced to an eternity of torment. Sure, that sounds like hell, but maybe that's where he feels most at home. What's he been doing down there? What secret deal has changed his fate forever? And what if he's not alone? Award-winning novelist Victor LaValle teams up with amazing artist Leonard Kirk to bring us the story of what lies beneath Krakoa