Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics, Spider-Man | Tagged: marvel, mary jane watson, peter parker, spider-man
Peter Parker, Spider-Cuck To Mary Jane Watson (Spoilers)
It was all set up in Amazing Spider-Man #23. But the publication of Amazing Spider-Man #24 confirms it all for Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson and... Paul.
It was all set up in Amazing Spider-Man #23. But the publication of Amazing Spider-Man #24 confirms it all. Peter Parker was ejected from his dimensional trip away, having left Mary Jane Watson and Paul behind. And was starting to realise there is some time dilation going on. The longer he left Mary Jane Watson un-rescued from the dimension she was trapped in, it would be much much longer for her… and Paul. An hour here is weeks there. Every second counted, and no one seemed to want to take him seriously, and Peter Parker was in no mood to try and explain any of this to anyone.
Because explaining time and time is what Peter Parker does not have enough of. And day or two here, years and years there. And only Norman Osborn was there to help him,
And so, after burning every bridge he has as Spider-Man, he makes the trip. He forces himself through dimensions, through an impossible journey and despite all the odds, and all the deities foreshadowing their own death, somehow finds Mary Jane. And Paul. And… the kids.
And this is the moment, for Peter Parker, for Mary Jane Watson, where everything changes. Robbing Peter to pay Paul.
And this is how it played out over a year ago with the first issue of this current volume.
Even if Mary Jane Watson doesn't look like she aged a day…
It all comes crashing down in May. What will be Mary Jane Watson's fate? The fate of her kids? For Paul? How much of the last eighteen months in Marvel time has been play acting for some kind of deity/prophecy symbolism? And how much was real life? Mind you, it's not just Mary Jane Watcon who is dealing with this kind of thing. Over in X-Force #39, also out today?
The long-awaited return of Quentin Quire. I wonder if he;s bringing the great-grandkids with him?
(W) Zeb Wells (A/CA) John Romita Jr.
Witness what brought Peter Parker and Norman Osborn together.
Your opinion of who the hero is and who the villain is may end up at least blurred…
Rated TIn Shops: Apr 19, 2023
SRP: $3.99
(W) Ben Percy (A) Robert Gill (CA) Joshua Cassara
COLOSSUS AND WOLVERINE JOIN X-FORCE! It's a NEW ERA for X-FORCE, and a new era means new members! Be here as LAURA KINNEY, A.K.A. WOLVERINE, and PIOTR RASPUTIN, A.K.A. COLOSSUS, join the team. Let's just hope one of them isn't harboring a SECRET set to destroy their teammates?!
Rated T+In Shops: Apr 19, 2023 SRP: $3.99