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Plastic Man No More! As A Mature Readers Comic From DC's Black Label

Christopher Cantwell, Alex Lins, Jacob Edgar and Marcelo Manolo are creating Plastic Man No More!, from DC Comics' Black Label.

Article Summary

  • Christopher Cantwell crafts a mature Plastic Man tale in DC's Black Label.
  • Plastic Man No More! is a four-issue mini-series examining Eel O’Brian's mortality.
  • The series explores themes of body horror and the grim reality of aging.
  • Artists Alex Lins and Jacob Edgar visually interpret Plastic Man's existential crisis.

Christopher Cantwell, Alex Lins, Jacob Edgar and Marcelo Manolo are creating a new Plastic Man comic book mature readers four-issue mini-series, Plastic Man No More!, from DC Comics' Black Label imprint launching on the 4th of September.

"Eel O'Brian might be a superhero now—but before he was anything else, he was a crook. Until the accident that turned him into the pliable Plastic Man, Eel was bad to the bone…and just because he no longer has bones doesn't mean that's not still true. When an incident on a Justice League mission leads to catastrophic cellular damage, Plastic Man discovers he just might be out of time to make amends for the past he's tried hard to outrun—or to save the soul of his son, who (unfortunately for him) might have inherited more from dear old Dad than just his superpowers…"

Plastic Man No More! sees Christopher Cantwell, work with Alex Lins again after formerly working on Hellcat for Marvel. Cantwell says "I don't know about you, but when I think about Plastic Man, I immediately think of David Cronenberg. There is an element of body horror to his story that I have always found fascinating. And I also found myself wondering recently — How would Plastic Man actually die? What would that look like? Is he immortal? And then I thought of the long and particularly nasty way real plastics and petroleum products break down when and if they finally do. That's how I learned about depolymerization and the chemical process of 'unzipping,'—from a particularly morose afternoon on the ol' Internet, picturing what might happen to Eel if his entire cellular structure started to give way."

"There are many superhero stories that play with the metaphor of our own inability to control our physical bodies. Plastic Man provided a way to take that allegory even deeper. How we look in the mirror and see one thing, then see a photo of ourselves and don't recognize the person at all. How we all break down over time. What's this strange itch? Why is this sagging? Why does this hurt now? Is my face permanently going to look like this? Or get even worse? With all these questions in the story comes a real and profound fear of aging, and yes, what lies beyond that—dying. And when someone like Plastic Man is suddenly looking at the end of the road, and now reflecting on his legacy, he begins to wonder: was he ever taken seriously by anyone? Did he even take himself seriously? The character also has a history of neglect and failure when it comes to personal relationships. So quite catastrophically, Patrick O'Brien suddenly finds himself desperate, asking WHAT NOW? HOW DO I FIX THIS? "THIS" being his very body, his very cells, as well his connections to the people he loves. And just WAIT until you see how horrifically and hilariously Alex Lins and Jacob Edgar have rendered this referendum on our vanguard ultra-bendable former-criminal-turned-hero-guy."

Plastic Man No More Plastic Man No More Plastic Man No More Plastic Man No More Plastic Man No More Plastic Man No More


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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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