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PREVIEW: Tripwire Annual 2009
British comic book magazine TRIPWIRE has provided BleedingCool with a preview of its upcoming 2009 Annual.
Since solicitation, the magazine will now feature a new interview with director Guillermo Del Toro talking about his new novel THE STRAIN and the current state of HELLBOY 3, as well as a comprehensive look at the new Britflick MOON starring Sam Rockwell and directed by Duncan Jones.
In order to maximise the sales potential of the Annual in the face of Diamond Comics Distributors new terms, editor and publisher Joel Meadows has folded in content planned for a TRIPWIRE ADVENTURE SPECIAL and TRIPWIRE SCIENCE FICTION SPECIAL at no extra cost.
Orders for the TRIPWIRE Annual 2009 through Diamond Comics Distributors close tomorrow, and those wishing to ensure a copy are encouranged to contact their comics store before then.Tripwire has always been one of those irregular comics treats I've enjoyed, I hope to be able to continue doing so. But it needs orders.
164 pages full colour, $15.95, item code MAY091149
Photo by Joel Meadows and used with permission. PDFs are copyright Tripwire.