Posted in: Movies, Recent Updates | Tagged: bbc, grant morrison, stephen fry, tv
Bonnyroad On Undetermined Level Of Development Hell At BBC
Oh bloody hell.
A BBC source emails Bleeding Cool to tell us that Bonnyroad, the Grant Morrison/Paul McGuigan/Stephen Fry sci-fi/supernatural TV drama in the works is… well… still in the works. But is not slated for any kind of production for at least the next twelve months. POssibly even the next twelve months.
The blame is down to a pincer of two things – BBC Scotland pushing too many things through the BBC bottleneck, and planned cutbacks all over the shop as a result of the BBC licence fee freeze.
The reason I was emailed and the reason I'm writing this is that one thing that Bonnyroad has in its favour is that people have been writing and talking about it without a frame being filmed and, officially, the BBC not even acknowledging its existence.
Which is, apparently, rather unusual.
Well consider this another one for the pile. And keep on tweeting. They notice.
So. Doesn't mean Bonnyroad won't happen. Just that by the time it does, well, maybe Matt Smith will be free to appear in it.