Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: dark horse comics, hellboy, mike mignola, Rogue Ales
Booze Geek – Right Hand Of Doom Ale & Hellboy, Hellboy, And More Hellboy
By Dylan Gonzalez
Beer: Right Hand of Doom Red Ale
Brewery: Rogue Ales
ABV: 6.8%
In some parallel dimension, the gods of beer and comics conceived a spawn. A gruesome hybrid of alcohol, malt, heavily shadowed graphics and a bad attitude. Actually, there was nothing truly revolting about this beer, other than what I paid for shipping.
Rogue Ales has teamed with Dark Horse Comics to celebrate 21 years of Mike Mignola's signature creation, Hellboy. It came complete with a new Hellboy drawing, wielding an axe and wearing his trademark battle damaged coat, by Mignola adorned on the label.
The beer itself was a deep red, almost copper, color. It produced a medium sized head and left a lot of lacing and residual foam on the top. It gave off scents of light, bready malt and a slight sourness as well.
Flavorwise, the predominant trait was malt. It was slightly sweet in nature, which blended well with the hops that finished it out. The finish was surprisingly hoppy, but not overly so. In fact I really enjoyed the mix of malt and hop here. On the palate, I felt a good deal of carbonation.
Overall, this was a damn good beer. While not bursting with unique flavors, I give Rogue Ale credit for creating a really good balance between malt and hops.
What to Drink This To:
You cannot drink this beer without Hellboy at your side. Hellboy has been one of my favorite comics since I started reading them. The original 12 volumes of Hellboy will always remain mainstays of my collection, as I consider them some of the best comics ever produced. I am a huge fan of Mignola's distinctive art style and the world he created within the Hellboy universe (B.P.R.D. if you want to get technical). Generally, I just love Hellboy himself, especially his quick wit and curtly humorous attitude. If I had to pick one volume of Hellboy to recommend…well, it's tough, so I am going to suggest three: the initial story, Seed of Destruction; what I consider the best Hellboy arc, Conqueror Worm; and Weird Tales Vol. 1, which features some really great one-offs.
Dylan Gonzalez happens to love beer and comic books and luckily found a place to write about both because he has no idea how to actually make money in the real world. He lives in a cave in New Jersey. Tweet him at @BeardedPickle, follow his own beer blog at or email him at