Posted in: Movies, Recent Updates | Tagged: instagram report, journalistic untegrity, spider-man, spider-man: homecoming, tom holland
Breaking: Tom Holland Reveals Spider-Man Homecoming Cardboard Cutout On Instagram
Stop the presses! Interrupting an otherwise quiet Sunday morning, reports have been spreading like articles about pro wrestling and football on your favorite comic book website. The shocking news? Spider-Man: Homecoming star Tom Holland has posted a photograph of one of those cardboard cutout jobs they put up in the movie theater for exhausted parents to take pictures of their kids standing next to. Bleeding Cool Managing Editor Mark Seifert immediately dispatched top reporters to investigate these reports, in order to bring the truth to Bleeding Cool's loyal readers.
Unfortunately, we were unable to obtain pictures of Spider-Man or Kylie Jenner, but we what we found, you'll agree, is nearly as good: a picture of a cardboard cutout of Spider-Man lying on top of the release date of his movie.
Holland posted this photo of the display to Instagram approximately ten hours ago as of this writing, according to what Bleeding Cool's investigation has uncovered, in order to find out if his followers are "hyped" for the movie's release on July 7.
Bleeding Cool intends to use our most finely honed entertainment journalism skills to follow this lead and find out whether or not people are hyped for Spider-Man: Homecoming. To aid us in this endeavor, please submit to our questioning below:
Are you hyped for Spider-Man: Homecoming? We're asking for a friend.