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Friday Runaround – Working For DC Comics

JobWatch: Who'd work for DC? Currently there are openings in Burbank for Senior Coordinator for DC Direct (Working with Japanese importers) a Director for Product Management for DC (following toy trends) a Director for Digital Production (you would have been working for Ron), a Director for Publicity a Senior Analyst for Financial Planning and Analysis and a Manager for Franchise Management.

The New York offices are also looking for a Senior Coordinator for Talent Relations & Services, a Sales Coordinator, and an Executive Assistant.

Friday Runaround – Working For DC ComicsMooreWatch:

"Spare's book is one of pleasure. It speaks of the joy and the accomplishment that are the natural right of any soul unburdened by the world's imprinted intellectual architectures and emotive double-binds … It is impossible to recommend this work too highly, so read on. Pleasure yourselves." Alan Moore, from his introduction to illustrated grimoire The Book of Pleasure (Self-Love), The Psychology of Ecstasy by Austin Osman Spare.

CharityWatch: Pinguino is doing a charity art show to aid victims of the Japan earthquake as part of her NinjaPenguin event in LA on May 20th. Comic artists currently include Brett Jackson, Dan Goldman, David Mertl, Dean Haspiel, George O'Connor, Mike Cavallaro, Pinguino, Reilly Brown, Simon Fraser, Tim Hamilton and Virgil Siemplo. Fancy joining them?

BatWatch: Comics Alliance on Batwing, the Batman of Africa.

TheoryWatch: Is Wingman… Superman?

RespectfullyWatch: As Bleeding Cool semi-reported, Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz bring you Superman Beyond #0. Can JLA Beyond be far behind?

WatchWatch: From Black Mocco

Friday Runaround – Working For DC Comics

Friday Runaround – Working For DC Comics

This is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.

Despite Rumours to the Contrary, AiT/Planet Lar is Still Very Much in Business! | Hypergeek

Yeah, don't believe everything you read on Twitter. I don't know what the rumor is, but I assume you're asking because I had to tell Dennis Hopeless and Kevin Mellon that we weren't able to publish their book LOVESTRUCK, that we had agreed to in 2007. Well, I don't mean to throw the lads under the bus, but they just finished a 96 page graphic novel, four years later, and the world's different.

ICv2 – UDON Drops Floppies

UDON Entertainment will no longer publish monthly "floppy" versions of its original graphic novels, moving to a new format, UDON Presents, for the purpose. UDON Presents titles will be oversized (8.25" x 11.25") hardcovers.

Chip Kidd Talks About Bat-Manga! on Vimeo

One of Chip Kidd's recent comics related works was "Bat-Manga: The Secret History of Batman in Japan". It focused on one year's worth of comics by Japanese artist Jiro Kuwata, made in the late 60's. Here Kidd talks about the genesis and execution of the project.


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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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