Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, guardians of the galaxy, marvel, MVL
Guardians Of The Galaxy Brings On The Bad Guys – Sunday Trending Topics
A potentially interesting remaster of Guardians-related continuity here: As pre-production work on Guardians of the Galaxy draws Marvel's ambitious sci-fi epic ever closer to shooting, some specifics of the plot are finally starting to leak out. It seems, from these scraps, that certain details have been changed from the original comic books, and there's a whole patchwork of interrelated ideas and characters drawn together into something rather new. You may consider some of what follows to be rather spoilery.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Sunday:
Guardians Of The Galaxy Plot And Villain Details, John C. Reilly's Role Revealed
As pre-production work on Guardians of the Galaxy draws Marvel's ambitious sci-fi epic ever closer to shooting, some specifics of the plot are finally starting to leak out. It seems, from these scraps, that certain details have been changed from the original comic books, and there's a whole patchwork of interrelated ideas and characters drawn together into something rather new. You may consider some of what follows to be rather spoilery.
A Film Based On A Comic Book Just Won The Palme D'Or At Cannes
It's a first. We've had Palme D'Or winners based on books, on plays, myths and original screenplays, but we've never had one based on a comic book before. When something has only happened once it's a rarity, perhaps a curio, maybe even a ghetto-of-one, but at the same time, there has to be a first time for everything, as my Mum used to say.
Joss Whedon last night guested with recently promoted chat show maestro Jimmy Fallon. The main topic of conversation was his superb new film version of Much Ado About Nothing, though you should be precisely unsurprised to hear that they talked a little about The Avengers 2 too.
When John Layman Photobombed Power Girl At Phoenix Comicon
Which was, handily, next to Chew writer John Layman's booth. Giving him the opportunity to… photo bomb.
Most-Read Comic Stories Sunday:
A New Booster Gold Comic On The Way…
Coming out from the Greenest Night celebration last night in Los Angeles for the work of Geoff Johns on Green Lantern, comes the news gathered by some that we are to expect a Booster Gold series in the imminent future from DC Comics.
Cosplay From Phoenix Comicon On A Saturday
The cosplay at Phoenix Comic Con continues to be wild and wonderful. Especially on a Saturday, when the place exploded. Homestuck is the most popular costume of the show by far… If you recognise yourself, let us know and we'll add your details.