Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, HRL, marvel, marvel legacy, marvellegacy1
Mindless Speculation About Where Marvel Legacy Revelations May Lead
This is mindless speculation. Joining up the dots. Playing with what we know and speculating about what we don't — which is a lot. None of this is based on any sources at any level of the comic book industry. And at least one is a spoiler regarding Marvel Legacy #1 that Marvel released today.
So now we know where we stand…
…how long before we get wedding bells between Jean Grey and Logan?
The pair have had a history, with Scott Summers usually as the other side of that love triangle. Or rather, a love arrow, the third side of that polygon is rarely filled in. But if late, Jean Grey has been killed (twice), Scott Summers has been killed and Wolverine has been killed. In their place, we have a young Jean Grey, a young Scott and an old Logan.
Recent X-Men titles have seen a bond, a kinship between Jean Grey and Old Man Logan, but the age difference happily put the kibosh on that going any further.
However, the return of Jean Grey as the Phoenix in December from Marvel Comics is keen to stress that this is the return of (adult) Jean Grey. With brackets and everything.
And now Wolverine is out of the adamantium…
So now the original Jean Grey and Logan are back — but pointedly not Scott Summers. He is still dead, at the hands of the Terrigen mists, there's no one to stand in their way.
Not until the wedding day of course, whenever Marvel decide to line that up for. And of course, that would be the perfect time to bring him back…
X-Men: The daytime soap opera. Someone sell that to Fox…