Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: Battling Boy, Comics, middleman
Monday Morning Runaround – Battling Boy To Middleman
The Reading With Pictures Benefit auction comes to an end on eBay.
Dozens of comic creators have generously donated over 40 items to the RWP Benefit Auction which starts today and runs through Tuesday, October 8. Andy Diggle (The Losers) has donated signed books; Dean Trippe (Project Rooftop) has donated a complete superhero makeover; Raina Telgemeier (Drama), Chris Giarrusso (Mini-Marvels) and Chris Samnee (Daredevil) have donated original art; Mark Waid (Kingdom Come) has even donated a walk-on role in his webcomic Insufferable! These are just a few of the amazing items that have been donated by the comics community!
Blog Her despairs at Archie Comics and tries to find less sexist comics for kids.
The girls in the comic are vain and petty or play the role of the good-girl doormat. Or they are just flat-out sexual objects there for the punchline. The boys are led around by their libidos and are, for the most part, brutish and unintelligent. All the girls are perfect doll-like figures where the only difference, really, is their hair. Of course there's one ugly girl – she's tall and gangly and has buckteeth and is often made fun of or bullied by the other characters (which is seen as funny or part of the book's jokes). The setting doesn't allow for any possible examination of things young readers may currently be experiencing (racism, sexism, gangs, violence etc…) and every other issue seems to involve friendships breaking over squabbles about who gets to "go steady" with Archie.
The Huffington Post loves Paul Pope's Battling Boy.
Both Pope's writing and art are the best he's ever done and he makes it look absolutely effortless. As striking and captivating as his art is, the story carries it along enough where you want to keep reading and reading.. and reading then once it's over, read it all over again.
iO9 reads the script for the new Middleman graphic novel.
Without giving away absolutely anything, we've read the script for "The Pan-Universal Parental Reconciliation," and it's absolutely primo Middleman. Grillo-Marxuach (and artist Les McClaine) are going to wrap up a ton of loose ends that might have been bothering you since the show went off the air and the last comic was published.
Not only that, but the storyline of this graphic novel, bridging the comic-book and TV versions of the characters, is quite possibly the most demented Middleman tale yet. Yes, even more ridiculous and far-fetched than the trout zombies. Your mind will be reeling as you attempt to encompass all of the strange twists and bizarre reality-warps in this graphic novel. As the crowdfunding notice mentions, "the comic book characters collide with their TV counterparts" in this storyline, and the result is every bit as mind-boggling as you'd expect.
The Fables game for the PC, from Telltale, was released over Steam this weekend.
Comic writer Martin Conaghan makes a short film… Gorta.
Google Dark Horse Comics, and they'll show you that they're the third largest publisher in comics:
Dark Horse has not been recognised by various statistics as the third largest publisher in comics since 2010. Might be time to amend that HTML…
Bergen Street Comics in New York, are going to have a heavy convention time – before, during and after!
WEDNESDAY, October 9th at 8PM
New York Comic Con Pre-Party!
Please join us at Bergen Street Comics on Wednesday, October 9th at 8pm, as in the looming shadow of NYCC, we're planning a blowout!
Come meet visiting West Coasters Zack Soto (Secret Voice, Study Group) and Farel Dalrymple (Prophet, It Will All Hurt), along with Brooklyn warhorse Jon Dermot Woods, who may or may not sit in a throne built out of his new book, Activities. Is that all? No way! Nathan Fox (Haunt, Fluorescent Black) will be there with his new book Dogs of War! Come get awesome with these radical storytellers, enjoy a glass of bubbly on the house, and walk out with a few great new comics. Sound good? RSVP here, or just come on by and we'll see you there!
FRIDAY, October 11th at 6pm
Adventure Time Encyclopaedia Signing…with SPECIAL GUESTSOn Friday, October 11th, from 6:00 to 8:00pm, Bergen Street Comics will play host to a very special event. It's two hours of Adventure Time craziness, as the creators of the official guide to the hit show, the Adventure Time Encyclopaedia, will be on hand to hob nob, answer all your burning questions, and deface your copies of the Encyclopaedia with their signatures! On hand will be author and voice talent Martin Olson (who voices the Lord of Evil on the show), Olivia Olson (voice of Marceline), and illustrators Celeste Moreno and Mahendra Singh. Come hang with this group of talented folks for what's sure to be an unforgettably adventurous evening!
SUNDAY, October 20th at 11AM
Kid's Comic Workshop with Nathan Hale!This October, come by for a Kid's Comic Workshop with Nathan Hale, who just released his third non-fiction graphic novel for kids. He'll be here to show you how he draws characters and tells stories with comics..don't miss out! We'll have copies of this Hazardous Tales, juice, and maybe even cookies. If you're cool with that.