Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: avengers, avengers assemble, film, marvel, Marvel Studios, MVL
Tuesday Trending Topics: Some Avenging Required
The Avengers UK release had everyone twittering today for 1) being retitled Avengers Assemble to avoid confusion with the classic British spy-fi of the same name, and 2) featuring a poster which is a pretty obvious photoshop job. Point 1) raised quite a few more eyebrows than I would have expected. It's still a cool title, and the underlying reasoning for the change is at least arguable. But as for point 2), as someone in my twitter stream implied, if your big sfx movie has a budget of $2-300 million, you might hope for better.
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
Seven Pages Of Pandora In Tomorrow's Justice League #6
I've been told that in tomorrow's Justice League #6, the only one of the New 52 titles shipping tomorrow, not only do you get 23 pages of Geoff Johns and Jim Lee Justice League, along with what my source refers to as "a bit of a John Byrne cheat", but there are seven pages of a Geoff Johns/Carlos d'Anda strip called Pandora, featuring the mysterious hooded lady of the New 52 relaunch and The Phantom Stranger…
Looking At A Contract From Bluewater Productions
I've been running a number of articles recently on comic creators who have been unpaid on certain comic projects – and in some cases actually getting them paid.
AVX #1 Has More Preorders Than Any Marvel Title Since Civil War
Last week, Bleeding Cool reported that orders for Avengers Vs X-Men from retailers were about to hit 200,000 over the weekend. Well that happened, and more.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
The Avengers To Be Renamed Avengers Assemble In The UK – First Poster
In the sixties, there was a British TV series that also aired in the US, called The Avengers. A tongue-in-cheek spy action adventure series starring a bowler hatted pinstripe-suited dapper fellow and selected beauties in skintight leather as his foil.
The Three Stooges Motion Poster Is A Terrifying Portent Of Our Horrendous Future
I consider the new motion poster for The Three Stooges to be a very bad omen. Not only of the film itself, which has already given rise to a rather unappealing trailer, but of a future where LED screens hang in cinema foyers and accost passing customers with choruses of "Hellooooo!" like this.
More Details Of Lucy Liu's Joan Watson And Jonny Lee Miller's Sherlock As Per Elementary
Following up on TV Line's scoop, sister site Deadline provided more details of the Watson character Lucy Liu will be playing in the US, modern-day Sherlock Holmes show, Elementary – as well as a couple of bits and pieces on how they've envisioned Holmes himself.