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SCOOP: Straight Outta Toronto – DiDio Plans Digital Download Codes Inside Print Comics
There are two comic conventions happening this weekend. While the Harveys are being held in Diamond's home city of Baltimore, Marvel have decamped up north to Toronto where they seem to have set up shop at the restaurant bar. But here's the word on the show floor from a Little Bleeder who's been hanging around the DC people…
Francis Manapul let it slip that there's going to be a Barry Allen Secret Origin episode in the Flash comic before the title gets into the Flashpoint crossover.
Dan Didio said to look for Adventure Comics and JLA to somehow tie into Flashpoint.
Jeff Lemire is obsessed about Phantom Stranger. Expect that character to turn up in his work soon.
Dan DiDio is planning to see print and digital crosspromotions, with download codes for the digital copy printed inside the print copy of various comics and collections.
And JT Krul states that people only understand his much-mocked Rise Of The Arsenal series if you are a father. Um, you know, I have two young girls and… no. Either way, he's very proud of his work on the book.