Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: age of ultron, brian bendis, bryan hitch, Comics, fcbd, free comic book day, marvel
The Launch Of Bendis And Hitch's Age Of Ultron
We already showed you what the DC Free Comic Book Day retailer customizable version would look like. Now we have the Marvel version, only available to retailers who order vast quantities. It's intended to be used in mailshots or attached inside local newspapers, or given away in mass drives, each copy featuring the details of the shop in question. In this case, Third Eye Comics.
And it appears in a burying-the-lead kind of way, that Avengers #12.1 by Brian Bendis and Bryan Hitch is being reprinted as Avengers: Age Of Ultron #0.1, so we can presume that will be the big Avengers project by Bendis and Hitch that has been much promised.
And also rather handy for Hitch as the book might be a good promotion in early May for his own creator owned series with Jonathan Ross, America's Got Powers, two issues of which are shipping in April.