Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: amanda palmer, Batman, Comics, detective comics 27, kevin smith, neil gaiman
Tuesday Runaround – How Neil Gaiman Helped Kevin Smith Get Laid
HateWatch: Dwight MacPherson on the Graphic Novel/Film Pitch cource..and hate.
Sure, there are some "big-name" freelancers who see a considerable amount of income from comic sales, but the majority of us haven't seen one thin dime from the books we create after the exorbitant printing fees, "use of publisher's logo fees," office fees, and yada yada fees
KevinSmithWatch: How Neil Gaiman helped Kevin Smith…
"My favorite moment of the night was Kevin explaining how Neil & Dave McKean's BLACK ORCHID helped him impress a girl named Amy. Kevin created business cards with the Bat symbol on it during the BATMAN film hype in 1989. He got the idea from the BLACK ORCHID mini-series. Kevin left the card on Amy's card with the message, "Look up." When Amy found the card and looked up, she saw Kevin on top of her work positioned himself in front of the moon, wearing a flowing leather coat, and striking a superhero pose. While it impressed her, Kevin had no way to get down. The entire building erupted in laughter."
The recording of that night can be found here.
AuctionWatch: A Detective Comics 27 under the hammer in Gloucestershire.
DoctorWatch: How Verity Lamber sold Doctor Who.
This is The Bleeding Cool ComicChron Robot speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
Lane County man inspired to change his name to 'Captain Awesome' |
Meet Captain Awesome. Not that the former Douglas Allen Smith Jr. is a newcomer to Oregon. He was born in Lane County in 1983. He graduated from Willamette High School in Eugene in 2002. But he officially became Captain Awesome only last month, when a Lane County Circuit Court judge approved his name change petition.
"Christmas With The Joker" | Batman: The Animated Series
It's the same thing with Batman: the Batman I love doesn't necessarily come from any single issue of Batman or any single media portrayal. It's a character I more or less developed in my mind based on the appealing aspects of all the media portrayals I've ever seen. Most people do this, and the Batman I love may be vastly different from the Batman you love, while both of them may be at odds with any Batman that's ever actually appeared in comics, movies, TV, and so on.
Shakespeare Superheroes Suffer Slings and Arrows in Comic Book
Although the 12-volume series is a hit, some scholars wonder whether 'tis nobler for vital characters like Hamlet, Richard III and Othello to suffer the slings and arrows of an outrageous concept or simply not reach a modern audience unfamiliar with or unwilling to learn the basics of iambic pentameter.
At first, I thought it would be a bad idea. I figured he'll just make me look bad, since his art is so good. Really! I thought, "I'm just asking for trouble." But then I keep saying, "I love a challenge." I want to do more with my art, and this is the way to do it.
A 3 Page Look At 'Lady Mechanika' Issue #1
Inside you can get your first look inside the story with a 3 page preview and see for yourself why so many (including yours truly) see this as one of the best new upstarts of the year
Political cartoon by Randy Bish in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
Emma Stone Goes Blonde for Spiderman : What's Right Now
The debate over whether blonds or redheads have more fun is really heating up: Emma Stone debuted her new bright blond strands at the Trevor LIVE charity event last night. Of the drastic color change (which is actually closer to her natural hair color), the actress told us: "It's my Spiderman hair! Blondes do have more fun!
Spider-man on EPICs… –
About all I can acknowledge is that Spider-man is being shot on EPICs in 3D. The rumors were correct.
Signalnoise 'Green Lantern' poster –
I honestly believe the Green Lantern logo in terms of design is ranked at third across the entire DC Universe trumped only by Superman and Batman, and the ring is by far the most iconic element of this hero. Which is why I was baffled when this poster was released and the ring is nowhere to be found. Say what?