Posted in: Comics | Tagged: scott snyder, substack
Scott Snyder's Teaching Plans For Substack Year Two
It was one year ago that Bleeding Cool, reported that "Scott Snyder Launches Substack Writing Classes For $7 A Month". With Scott telling us;
For $7 a month, you get access to everything teaching related. The MONTHLY LIVE CLASS, the ARCHIVED CLASSES, plus TEACHING TIPS I'm going to put up once a week or so. Folks who sign up in the first 48 hours will also get access to the 4 LIVESTREAMS with me–more on these below!
For $75 for the year ($9 less than the monthly) you get everything in the monthly plan AND access to 4 EXCLUSIVE LIVESTREAMS with me, where we'll connect more directly, and I'll answer YOUR questions about all things comics-related.
As the initial Substack Pro comic book creators hit the second year of their subscription deals, they no longer get a grant from Substack, instead they get 90% of their subscription fees. Some are doubling down, some are going all free, some are dropping the highest premium level, some are reducing costs. But for Scott, it is still the same, $7 and $75 respectively. He writes;
What we are going to do is Comic Writing 102 instead of Comic Writing 101… We're going to do topics the way we've been doing them—we're doing pacing, metaphor, serialization, I'm going to do a special one that's all about the business side of comics, about how you get something up and running. But one of the cool things is we're also going to be starting to look at your writing as an example of text that has strengths and weaknesses given a certain topic that we can really dive into. So we'll be looking at student work which, to me, will be exponentially more educational than looking at things that are just great examples of different techniques, different craft elements. We're looking at your stuff and saying, "Look how good this aspect of this is, but look at how this if you tweak this, this and this will bring it to a whole other level." That's where I really cut my teeth was in workshop.
I started taking workshops when I was about 18/19 years old. I went away for the summers to different writing camps because I was that cool, and I fell in love with it. Meeting other writers, getting to see their work, learn how a teacher and the rest of the class would help to improve that work just gave me a whole new language and skill set for improving my own work. And so I'm absolutely 100% confident that the second year of the class, Comic Writing 102 will be even better than the first, and I'm more committed to making sure that there's more material, more interaction, more questions from you guys, all of it.
And you'll get all the videos from Year One, thrown in. But what about the personal touches?
So on top of that, you get a chance to send me your books twice a year to get signed. On top of that, you get a FastPass system at every single convention I'm all year long, and I plan on doing a bunch this year. And you're going to get access before most people to our store which we're busy setting up now. We'll have merchandise that's exclusive for Best Jackets subscribers.
And if you really want to give him extra money…
Founder's Tier members, just so you know as an aside, you now have your window, starting yesterday, to send your TEN books, any books you want, to Comic Sketch Art for me to sign. Hopefully I'll get you some surprise signatures on some of them, too. And you also will be getting your first package of exclusive books and covers with some extra free things fun things thrown in. They're being shipped out September 2nd, so everything is on its way to you.
If you're interested in doing a Founder's Tier Black Jackett membership, which is the highest level for us, and gives you a dinner in New York City with me at NYCC or one at San Diego and all kinds of exclusive variants and exclusive number one covers and stuff like that, we're going to open that window for a very short period in September once everybody gets their stuff and things are fulfilled for the first wave of books for Founder's Tier members. We don't want to open it up again until everybody gets things they were promised and feels really happy (as they seem to be already). But I'm very excited to make sure that everyone feels they're getting more than their money's worth.