Posted in: Comics | Tagged: andrew rev, Brian Keene, terrific production llc
Thanks to Brian Keene, Terrific Production LLC Won't Donate Youngblood Profits to Charity
Terrific Production LLC is a new comic book publisher which obtained the rights to Youngblood, prompting creator Rob Liefeld to disassociate himself with the property. Terrific has yet to announce a release date or creative teams for any of its comics, though they did post a photo on Twitter featuring several hundred dollar bills to prove they have what it takes to become the next Image partner. They've also been recruiting members for their Terrifically Legion while simultaneously generating a nonstop stream of clickbait articles for Bleeding Cool.
Terrific has also been involved in an ongoing feud with acclaimed horror novelist and comic book writer Brian Keene, which recently culminated in Keene challenging Terrific Production LLC to release their comics on January 1st, a day the publisher has proclaimed Youngblood Day, or donate $1000 to charity.
Unfortunately, before a deal could be struck, Terrific blocked Keene on Twitter and Keene responded by blocking Terrific. But it didn't end there. Terrific responded to Keene's challenge with a very generous counter offer. All Keene has to do is donate $1,000 of his own to charity up front, and then spend every single day until the release of Terrific's Youngblood comics tweeting in promotion of them and getting his followers to do the same. So long as Keene provides this free promotion for several months, Terrific will donate a portion of the profits to charity dependent upon the number of comics they sell. Terrific will also allow top comic book artists to draw charity covers for them and produce a "public service comic story" about burn victims in honor of Keene lighting himself on fire like Michael Jackson in a Pepsi commercial last year.
Despite this totally reasonable offer, however, Keene wasn't interested.
Disappointed, Terrific responded.
The argument caused confusion for members of the Terrifically Legion.
But the ever-compassionate Terrific Production LLC is only trying to help.
Unfortunately, the two were unable to come to an agreement.
You can donate to Scares That Care here.
The saga continues…